Cami Secret: A Cloth to Cover Up Your Cleavage
Have you ever thought about how tough life must be for your neighborhood tramp? She loves to flash her cleavage at bars, nightclubs, bus stops and 7-11s. But around the office, such blatant display of booby-flesh gets disapproval from superiors, as well as causing female co-workers to gossip about the office hoochie. (Of course they’re all just jealous because they don’t have such a great bustline!) She could bring a change of clothes, but that gets cumbersome to lug around everyday.
You may have never thought about this dilemma faced by floozies everywhere, but fortunately the makers of the Cami Secret ( have.
That is truly a genius marketing angle to sell a small piece of fabric!
I never would have thought the commercial for this product would include a cutesy rhyme in the tradition of the Snuggie:
You love the low-cut top for going out at night,
But in the office it’s just not right.
You’ve tried safety pins but they leave holes and just look wrong.
And with a camisole you end up tugging and adjusting all day long!
If the Cami Secret infomercial has left you rubbing your eyes in disbelief, I assure you that this is a real ad for a real product you can buy at
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50 Responses to “Cami Secret: A Cloth to Cover Up Your Cleavage”
Comment by euGene on March 1, 2010 at 10:27 pm
If you use a safety pin RIGHT then it works perfectly well.
Comment by Anne Packrat on March 2, 2010 at 10:06 pm
They should make one of these for plumber’s crack…. the CRACK CAMI!!
You love low cut jeans, but when you bend down,
You flash your crack to everyone in town,Now there’s the Crack Cami, a cami for your ass crack!
Comment by Freddy Q. on March 3, 2010 at 6:37 am
Wow, it’s like granny panties for your chest.
Comment by lorien larsen on March 3, 2010 at 4:51 pm
*shakes head* That even SOUNDS like the woman from the Snuggie commercial -_-
Take it from a girl with a D cup, wearing certain shirts can make you self conscious in public, but wearing a jacket, or just wearing a DECENT shirt will solve that problem immediately.
And safety pins DO work if your capable of using your brain to use them
Comment by Yami on March 3, 2010 at 4:58 pm
I actually ended up seeing this in an as seen on tv store when i was tryin to find something to put under a prom dress that was a little to low. all they do is end up making your bra be a choke machine. and theres no way to anchor the bottom so if you bend over its even more obvious then just pinning.
Comment by Amarisse on March 10, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Ye Gods! $10 for a doily to attach to your bra?
This makes the Flowbee look like well thought-out genius.
BTW, what happens if a bra strap breaks? Will only one boob fall out then?
I will trust the ladies who posted here that say a simple safety pin will do the same trick.
Comment by NosferatusCoffin on April 12, 2010 at 11:32 pm
can you buy camisecret in stores?
Comment by c. young on May 8, 2010 at 5:25 am
I think this is a great idea! I wear tank tops under all my shirts, but they are really inconvenient, bunch up, and slip down so my boobs and hanging out anyway. I’m a very petite girl with large boobs, and I think I will definitely be trying this product to see if it works for me. I have just never come across a tank top that really works or that I’ve been satisfied with.
Comment by Emily on May 19, 2010 at 9:51 pm
I have always had a large chest – hereditary. In my shopping experience,many women’s clothes, especially dress clothes, have a V neck which shows cleavage. I guess that’s normal in today’s world, but not for me. I can’t stand someone looking at my chest and not in my eyes. I have many tank tops which I wear under my clothes, but it’s true they are bulky and uncomfortable. I wear size 8-10 clothes so I am not overweight, and really thinking about trying this product. Safety pins are an incredible pain and they do leave holes in your fabric and hard to place so they don’t show. Wearing a jacket or full shirt in hot summer weather is not an option for me. Hopefully this product will help so I can wear whatever shirt I want.
Comment by t. anderson on May 21, 2010 at 3:47 pm
IT the SHIPPING that cost… 14 bucks for $2 worth of nappy.. I will pass!
Comment by Jeri Perry on June 4, 2010 at 12:35 am
Yes, it takes skill and time to get a safety pinned top to look as if it’s staying closed by magic rather than a safety pin. There are fabrics just wouldn’t lay or look right with a full tank or cami underneath. Some of us can’t stand the warmth of layers anyway; never knowing when a “power surge” will come along.
When these are in a store and I can see them first and buy without shipping charges, I might give them a try. This is not a new idea, and not much different than dresses with front modesty panels that button on. I just googled and found better quality items in a variety of fabrics and sizes.
This product might be ok; If you can get past the poorly made infomercial.Comment by Nomore Pins on June 14, 2010 at 2:47 pm
It’s double sided tape used by fashion models to make clothes stay put and fit so they can get fashion shots of clothes that fit perfectly.Comment by Don Stachowiak on June 14, 2010 at 6:42 pm
I think it might not be a bad idea. I seem to be wearing tanks and camis under everything lately………too low cut. If I left every shirt in the store than hung a little too for my taste……I wouldn’t buy anything but turtle necks and sweats theses days. It is something that I just noticed recently. Granted, I am pretty short, but I never had this problem so often before. Two layers of clothing annoys me sometime.
Comment by Judi Foster on July 4, 2010 at 9:42 am
Depending upon the cut of a garment and the shape of a woman, safety pins aren’t the answer in many cases. Too many garments now are cut ridiculously low. Wearing extra layering just to be able to wear the new top you bought and still be decent is utterly horrible when you are in hot climates or just tend to get hot. I’m not convinced this Cami Secret will work nicely but it is exactly what I was designing for myself so that I could wear new clothing at work and be decent. In this day, the price is actually good (try buying the fabric and pieces for less). There are many horrible products out there but for many of us, this is a perfectly GOOD product.
Comment by Myshiloh on July 6, 2010 at 5:18 pm
I seem to be in a minority. I think this is a great idea. It’s difficult to find tops these days that are office appropriate or that don’t look like your grandmothers. Often I have to wear a tee shirt under my work tops to conceal everything…I work with 3rd graders; but the tee shirts get hot by mid morning. I plan to check out some reviews from others who have bought this, but I’ll probably give it a try.
Comment by Hoochie Mama on July 7, 2010 at 8:22 am
Couldn’t tell if that infomercial was a joke or not?? (Is this a G-String?)I did end up searching the internet after seeing this,as I liked the concept,and stumbled upon something classy called a Camiband, which I feel more confident buying.
Comment by Roxanne W. on July 14, 2010 at 6:34 am
I have a tatoo across my chest. I’m wondering will this work?
Comment by myisha on July 20, 2010 at 7:56 pm
For years I have been using a very similar product and have been looking for new ones since mine are about 10 years old. These are perfect!!! for the office or going out when you don’t want to flash the girls, it’s a perfect option. I too can’t stand the added layer and this makes outfits look professional or just classy! I’m happy to see this product!!!!
Comment by deb on July 22, 2010 at 2:46 pm
I saw clip on camis in a variety of colors on ebay.
Comment by daphnesmom on July 22, 2010 at 5:50 pm
Finally something for breast cancer survivors. And there are many. So women think before you make comments.
Comment by Karen B on July 24, 2010 at 8:55 am
I’m trying Cami Secret because I like the idea of it. Sure, it’s a small piece of fabric and any sewing-inclined person can do it themselves. I’m a bit apprehensive about the choking feeling or having the bottom lift when bending over. Some of my tops look fine standing up, but it’s bending over that needs the coverage, and if it were to flop around bending over, then there’s no point.
For the blogger, the point of the cami secret is to NOT be the “office hoochie” because they would not be getting this. It’s for people who like to be modest. But, hey, got it flaunt it, dont be ashamed because it’s just a body and we all have them!
Me, I dont have a cleavage. What’s to show? For years I’ve been avoiding buying the cutest tops because of the low cut line. And for the ones I do buy, I wore a cami under. Commercial’s right, tugging and pulling everywhere. I have to tuck it in, deal with straps and bulkiness in every other area, just to cover a small triangular space. Usually, commercials REALLY exaggerate and I just roll my eyes, but this one was not far off from the truth. That said, I will also look into other products.Comment by H. on July 26, 2010 at 12:54 pm
Finally, I’m so glad they came out with something like this. It’s comforting to know that others deal with the same dilemma.
One thing I have to wonder then, is why are they making so many women’s shirts this way. Why can’t they just create shirts with a little bit higher cut.Comment by sheenie on August 15, 2010 at 4:27 pm
I ordered these as soon as I saw the commercial. I love them and pretty much wear them every day. Women get it. These are the answer.
Comment by trueheart on August 17, 2010 at 7:28 pm
I saw commercial and I’m so excited about a product like this. I had open heart surgery and most clothes are just too low cut for my scar. I do know a scar is just a scar bur I prefer to conceal it, as it really isn’t a pretty thing.
Comment by Becky on August 22, 2010 at 2:30 pm
I have had a radical mastectomy, due to breast cancer. At only 44, I spend a lot of time trying to make clothes that are a tiny bit too low, cover my embarassment about having only one breast while wearing a prosthesis. Otherwise, sweating to death in the summer having to wear 2 layers to cover the modern “look”. Maybe this commercial would be better suited being aimed at a different demographic. I think this idea is awesome, not for those with hugh breasts, but for those who would prefer that they were blessed with not having to share with the world, their misfortune.
Comment by Jan on August 22, 2010 at 8:36 pm
This is a GREAT infomercial…I’ve been buying tank tops and camis to go under certain things when I wear them for style or to show less cleavage…I’ll be buying all 12 next week! Just mad that I didn’t think about this since it was already kind of created and put into certain tops anyway, but you couldn’t remove them…CAMISECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Jamie on August 27, 2010 at 10:27 am
I have been using 12″ to 20″ scarves in many different colors to cover a scar for 20 of my 50 years. Just tie or safety pin the corners to your bra and you have something pretty to go under everyting. Scarves also come in lace if you need something pretty under a party dress.
Comment by Grace on August 29, 2010 at 8:54 am
To those of you who are positive thinkers and know that not all dresses or tops that are low can be pinned… this is a fabulous idea. Who needs that extra layering anyways or has the time to “pin” anything??
Comment by Tammie on August 29, 2010 at 9:25 am
Damnit you women need to show off cleavage more and not less!
Comment by Alexmand on September 4, 2010 at 5:10 pm
Hello, has anyone purchased this in Canada? I am in Canada and I’m thinking of buying the cami secret but I’m hesitant about the cost of duty to ship it to my door. I would appreciate any answer someone can give me …
thanks!Comment by Basherah on September 13, 2010 at 9:03 pm
they will not fix on a wide full figure bra, now what??
Comment by beth crews on September 27, 2010 at 1:45 pm
Great idea, except that I don’t wear lace and find lace camisoles “hoochy”, especially in a professional environment. I won’t be purchasing unless they decide to make plain ones.
Comment by JJ on October 17, 2010 at 8:48 pm
Maybe some before-and-after photos of you ladies would help others in making their buying decisions. There is a Cami Secret page on Facebook, you could post them there! OK, time for me to check out the “Slim T.” It’s designed to “give pot-bellied men an opportunity to wear a girdle!” I’ll check to see if Facebook has a page for these, too!
Comment by Brock Michaels on October 23, 2010 at 9:12 am
Well I am disappointed in all the bad comments. Of course the infomercial is bad, ALL infomercials are bad. When I buy my shirts I have to buy to fit my waist and hips, which means that all my shirts are too big on top. I don’t want to take all my shirts to the seamstress and I don’t want pin holes in all my shirts. This would be a quick and easy fix to my problem. It doesn’t mean I dress like a whore as someone said. Also, someone mentioned the problem that would occur if your bra strap broke. What the heck kind of bra are you wearing that the bra strap broke?? Maybe it’s just time for a new bra!!!
Comment by Jenn Reeve on December 1, 2010 at 12:45 pm
DO NOT BUY!!! STOP RIGHT THERE. Let me tell you I bought this cami secret.
First it is very narrow at the bottom so if you have a big chest it slips right into you bra. so your always trying to fix it.
Second the clips that hold the cami in place dig into your armpits.It would be nice if the cami would have been wider on the bottom and in a cotton fabric so it didn’t slip all over the place.
Comment by nime on January 1, 2011 at 12:13 pm
I waited and bought these at walgreens so I didnt have to pay shipping. They are awesome. It is hard to be modest without looking like granny when you have a very large chest. I’m an F and these look great under all my tops . So comfy I can’t even tell I’m wearing them. Its nice not to have to constantly be trying to cover up my cleavage!
Comment by booboo on January 4, 2011 at 9:16 am
you can also purchase these online from walgreens:)
Comment by booboo on January 4, 2011 at 9:18 am
Love the commercial — hate the product.
Comment by Tones on January 11, 2011 at 2:38 pm
My boss spent $80 buying three sets of these because my coworkers just don’t know how to dress themselves properly. For the same amout of money, she could’ve gotten a shipping crate full of $3 tank tops from Discovery (or she could just enforce the dress code, but why do that, right?). I tried one out of curiosity. First of all, they’re WAY too large. I’m far from petite — I’m 5′ 10″/34C/dress size 8 — but I had to do some weird trick involving rolling the thing over my bra straps to keep it from sagging. If it was that large on me, I can’t imagine it fitting anyone who isn’t a giant. Secondly, the clips won’t stay closed. It was extremely uncomfortable, and kept slipping down and bunching up all day. Overall, it’s a gimmicky product that just doesn’t work. Save your money and buy a plain ol’ tube bra to wear over your bra from Wal-Mart.
Comment by Lila on January 15, 2011 at 11:26 am
I bought them at walgreens a few months ago, wore it one time. They were not comfy, wouldnt stay in place..I agree they should be cotton material instead. It was a great idea though
Comment by CSl on March 26, 2011 at 12:01 pm
In today’s world of high immoral standards, it’s nice to have a product out there that helps a christian woman keep her modesty in check. It is a very unfortunate fact that it is hard to find tops that don’t show everything you’ve got. Played out as it may be… less really IS more. 🙂
Comment by jill on March 26, 2011 at 7:00 pm
Idea is great, the actual product not so great. I bought these brand new at Wal-Mart and I am a 38D, they don’t fit! There is a gap between the bra and the product. So if you are wearing a shirt with a wide low cut neckline you will see the gap. Plus it bunches up. The material needs to stretch across the bra straps and attach a different way.
Comment by Katie on April 18, 2011 at 2:40 am
I do not like cami secrets. In my opinion they are nothing but thieves. I ordered 2 orders back in January and still have not recieved my order. The customer service if needing to talk to them is horrible. I would advise against cami secrets. In most walmarts and even some Ross they have cami secrets if you desire to try them.
Comment by Misti on April 26, 2011 at 11:03 am
I tried the cami secret for the first time today. I am a breast cancer survivor and have to wear a prothesis on the left side. Needless to say, I have to wear special bras so I was a bit concerned about the fit. To my surprise, it covers very well. I was afraid that wearing low cuts shirts, t-shirts and pretty tops were out of the question. I find these to be exactly what I needed to cover the part of my breast that is no longer there and they fit the custom bras with ease. Thank you for letting me wear pretty tops again!
Comment by Vivian on June 18, 2011 at 4:44 pm
soooo im thinking about trying this its so hard to no if i should or not since theres so many positive & negative reviews…. i think its a great idea i hate screwin around with the stupid safety pins they DO make holes and tears in fabric and sometimes dont work right and its way rude to say women that would want this product r hoochies or flossies me having big boobs sometimes the only way to keep them covered is to wear a tshirt or turtleneck there arent many cute shirts my boobs fit in well that doesnt make me a hoochie for wanting nice clothes! also ive used tank tops but i live in texas when its 100 degrees outside u DO NOT wanna wear 2 shirts! ill probably try this i hope it works out
Comment by Alicia on June 20, 2011 at 2:34 am
like jill is more concern of community it would rather be told as for all women in thy world would need it i am from india
Comment by salma on June 26, 2011 at 2:49 pm
I’ve purchased these and like them. I live in an area that’s so hot and humid that just thinking of layering a camisole under a regular shirt is enough to make me sweat. Besides, pins don’t work on all shirts. I’ve got some t-shirts with wide v-necks and pins just won’t cut it in those cases. This is a pretty good solution to those problems.
Comment by Zoey on August 12, 2011 at 12:41 pm
Women — if you uncover your flesh and put your eye candy out there don’t bitch and get offended when his eyes go there. Stop being hypocrites for a change.
Comment by Harleys on October 19, 2011 at 9:42 am
I have DD boobies and I like to go from my professional day job to the evening time tempting my man visually with the goodies without changing shirts. The cami secret works great because I can undo it with one hand while driving home and put it in my purse. It also makes him a little nuts to think that other men might have been ogling “the girls” all day. He’s a total boob man and I enjoy having my man look at me but I don’t think it is appropriate for my line of work. Safety pins do work for some kinds of materials but they will ruin more delicate material and don’t work so good on loosely knit sweaters that are lower cut. I hope this review helps.
Comment by Keisha on February 29, 2012 at 12:07 am
The woman in this infomercial does have an amazing rack!
But I guess Cami Secret would give even more protection for women who stuff the Secret Keeper in their bras.