
Let’s Pretend the NutriBullet Isn’t Part of the Magic Bullet Line

Normally I am thrilled when an infomercial for the newest product in the Magic Bullet line debuts, such as the Party Bullet that came out two months ago.

But the infomercial for the NutriBullet is a sad and shameful disappointment. After viewing it I felt not unlike a school teacher who receives subpar work from a student he knows can do a lot better.

The NutriBullet infomercial features no storyline and no cast of wacky characters. You will see no grannies unleashing acid-tongued critiques, no middle-aged bald men trying to be the life of the party, no Mick and Mimi, no chain-smoking barflies making inappropriate comments, and no references to alcohol whatsoever.

Instead this infomercial features frizzy-haired “longevity expert” David Wolfe performing a product demo of the NutriBullet “nutrition extractor” in front of an audience. In other words this thing is like 99% of the kitchen product infomercials you’ve ever seen.

Except for the fact that they pretend to take notes, the people who sit at David Wolfe’s counter are completely nondescript. You will listen in vain for a colorful quote like “Did somebody say, ‘Muffins?’,” “Nice package!”, or “Yuck, I hate broccoli.”

To be honest, this infomercial almost entirely plays down the NutriBullet’s connection to the Magic Bullet. Sometimes they seem to go out of their way to cover up the “Magic Bullet” logo printed at the base of the product:

Only once during the infomercial does anyone mention that the NutriBullet is “from the makers of the Original Magic Bullet.”

Watch the NutriBullet infomercial for yourself, and see if you don’t find yourself appreciating Mick, Mimi, Hazel, and Berman more than ever…

From now on, whenever I mention the Magic Bullet family of products (Magic Bullet, Magic Bullet to Go, Bullet Express, Baby Bullet, Party Bullet) I will treat the NutriBullet as a disowned and disinherited cousin that we’ve all decided not to talk about except in hushed and embarrassed tones.


  • 18 Responses to “Let’s Pretend the NutriBullet Isn’t Part of the Magic Bullet Line”

  • I agree with you whole-heartedly, this is not worthy of the Magic Bullet franchise. Magic Bullet is like the “Midsomer Murders” of infomercials – made with tongue firmly in cheek, starring a cast of eccentrics in all manner of curious locations, all of whom have disturbing and/or sex-crazed private lives. All that’s really missing is the odd dismemberment with a 14th century halberd at a village fete.

    This… dross is utterly tedious. I never believed I’d write this before now, but WE WANT HAZEL. For pity’s sake, this infomercial takes the series from “Midsomer Murders” to “Weather Forecast”.

    Comment by Robert B. on July 10, 2012 at 5:15 pm

  • I can think of a better infomercial off the top of my head:

    Hazel, still feisty as ever, is laying in a hospital bed with some as-yet-unspecified illness. Mick & Mimi come to see her, bearing the NutriBullet. Comments are made that suggest Hazel’s years of drinking and smoking have finally caught up with her, but after demonstrating the power of the NutriBullet, Hazel can begin on the road to recovery. At this point, Berman is re-introduced, the victim of a heart attack. After he’s wheeled into the room, Mick and Mimi begin their spiel about the importance of a healthy diet, taking the opportunity for another demonstration of the NutriBullet’s marvelous abilities.

    To further the ongoing plotlines established in previous installments, it is revealed that Hazel’s & Berman’s mutual decline in health was due to the breakup of their “relationship” (complete with a flashback to the infamous “socks” scene from Magic Bullet to Go). Realizing they still care for one another, Hazel and Berman resolve to get healthy together with the help of their new friend, NutriBullet. Mick and Mimi dePart, basking the knowledge that they’ve just performed another Magic Bullet Miracle.

    Comment by Thomas on July 13, 2012 at 11:01 am

  • I’m totally bummed!!! This is blasphemy to the worst degree :(.

    Comment by Tim on July 14, 2012 at 5:49 pm

  • I thought this was another Montel infomercial when I first saw it.

    Comment by Sara on July 15, 2012 at 1:42 am

  • I am not sure of what the attack is here. Is it that the Nutri Bullet is made by Magic Bullet? So what? As far as the content of the commercial.. I love it that David Wolfe went after the nutritional value of using the Bullet. I dont know, I may go after the Magic Bullet and if i fall in love with it.. I may upgrade. I have an Omega Juicer… and i strated out with a Monkey Wards juicer and went up about five times.. and everytime i found that the claims of the more expensive juicers were true. So. I get it… They have two products. Im guessing both are great… but i bet the nutri bullet is better. Still i love the informercial. Good scoop.

    Comment by Jackie on July 15, 2012 at 7:56 pm

  • @Thomas: I am currently working on a script for an infomercial they *should have* made for the NutriBullet. Stay tuned!

    Comment by Paul Lucas on July 17, 2012 at 9:15 pm

  • Okay, okay, I hated the NutriBullet infromercial as well, and hated myself even more because I knew I was gonna call and order one. Which I did. And if you think the infomercial is tacky, wait until you get them on the phone! It’s an unending predigested iteration of improved offers and come-ons. But, hey, within ten business days I’ll at least be downing healthy puree for breakfast rather than a cup of coffee. What I’d like to know from those posting here, does anyone actually have a critique of the Nutribullet? Juicing supposedly streamlines the the introduction of nutrients to the bloodstream by sidestepping the intestonal digestion of the fiber of fruits and vegetables. (I’ve researched everhtying from the Breveile masticating juicers, Omega extracting juicers, and even the $2,500 Norwalk Hydraulic Juicer recommened by the gurus of the Gerson Thearpy.) Blenders, even as highend as the Vitamix, merely chop the foods into drinkable bits but still don’t make the juice as readily absorptive as juicing. NutriBullet purports to offer the best of both worlds by reducing everything to a puree, which is a combo of extracted juice and broken down pulp. I’d love to hear from anyone out there with feedback. Thanks.

    Comment by Robert on July 31, 2012 at 11:18 pm

  • This looks like a nice travel juicer. I have a Vitamix and to me there is nothing better. It can do so much more than the nutribullet. I don’t have to add water to my juices with Vitamix and I feel that the nutribullet made unfair comments saying Vitamix can cost $1000. It also makes frozen desserts and many other things too long to list. I’m not hating, just saying…

    Comment by VitaqueenTree on September 13, 2012 at 6:54 am

  • I have been using the magic bullet for years. I also have a vitamix, an omega juicer and another high speed blender. While I like using the magic bullet to make smaller portions–not as much waste, works better with small quantities–the magic bullet doesn’t have a fraction of the power to crush foods that the high speed blenders have. I haven’t tried the nutri bullet, but was wondering if anybody here has tried the magic bullet, nutribullet and the vitamix and can compare the power of the nutribullet to smoothly blend soups/raw foods versus those other two machines. If the nutribullet has several times the power of the magic bullet I would probably buy it because I would love a smaller version of a vitamix. I am also curious to see if the nutribullet and magic bullet parts are interchangeable. They look like they might be, and that would be nice because I still have a lot of parts from my two magic bullets! Could anybody address that?

    Comment by Laurie on September 14, 2012 at 12:35 am

  • the nutriblast makes a smoother mix with seeds and nut than the vita mix however the quantity is less.I use nuts and seeds for a base for sauces instead of dairy and the nutriblast makes a smoother and creamer mixture.The magic bullet is not interchangeable and is way too small as compared to the nutriblast.

    Comment by B.Mason on October 2, 2012 at 1:51 am

  • I just got the nutribullet and I love it. It pulverizes everything in seconds, for a quick veggie/fruit/etc drink ready to be absorbed. not sure why I see mentions of heat. everything is pulverized into a juice and seconds and ready to drink. I doubt heat builds up enough to destroy your nutrients in those 5-10 seconds of blending.

    Comment by Mike on November 8, 2012 at 3:55 pm

  • You’all have way too much time on your hands. Finally there is an infomercial that gets to the point with the information without all the goofy characters the above writer is praising. If I want to watch a sitcom I will. When I’m watching a comericial and deciding if I want to buy it, all I want is the facts about the product. Forget all that character storyline crap. My money is short these days, I want to know what my money is going for not whether George wants a muffin or smokes.

    Comment by debbie on November 16, 2012 at 7:56 am

  • Nutri Bullet is far superior then majic bullet and should be ashamed to have the majic bullet name on it in the first place. Nutri bullet does exactly what it says. majic bullet wont even chop a fricking oinion or chicken to make chicken salad. took mine back to target and bought a second nutri bullet.

    Comment by Jim on February 1, 2013 at 10:35 am

  • I recently purchased the NutriBullet, I love it. It does what the infomercial said it would do.

    Comment by Beverly on February 4, 2013 at 11:27 am

  • #12- I think this site doesn’t really care about the products, just the hilariousness of the infomercials.

    Just saw this infomercial yesterday, and revisiting all your Bullet family coverage today. Awesome!

    Comment by richard on March 16, 2013 at 9:30 pm

  • I put a new bender-blade in my 20 y/o Osterizer, and it makes the smoothest smoothies ever. I use a base of Big Train protein powder (has protein, fiber, Vits and mins), and add a huge handful of baby spinach, frozen strawberries, sometimes banana, sometimes apple, peeled orange, whatever ya got. Ice cubes, maybe a dash of milk or coconut milk. It makes a huge filling smoothie for under 400 cals (it’s a meal, after all) and I’ve gotten in at least four fruit/ veggie servings. It’s not just juice; it is the entire whole fruit (stemmed and seeded). I hated seeing “juicers” leaving all the pulp/fiber behind, at best going to compost bin.
    I feel pretty smug knowing my $100 old school blender can match the likes of the entire line of bullets, nutri things, ninja things, and even vitamix things, though it would be fun to get a frozen dessert or a hot soup out of it.

    Comment by Joobee on January 3, 2014 at 3:00 am

  • Hey, The nutri bullet infomercial is so bad!!!!!!! it’s actually good!!!!!!! its my favourite show ….. I think it needs to be made into a sitcom series ….. please!!!!!

    I particularly like the part where the audience takes ‘notes’ on the ‘talk’. ….. priceless !! and the part where he makes a juice but drinks it himself, he won’t give his audience a taste …. teaser!!

    it is an entirely new genre of production, you know, ‘news’, ‘current affairs’, ‘reality’ and now ‘nutribullet’

    Keep up the bad work:) … please!!!!

    Comment by al ellis on April 5, 2015 at 12:46 am

  • I normally leave my tv on when I fall asleep…and I’ll be damned that this
    stupid infomercial is on when I wake up early.I’m completely lost on crap like
    this,nothing but a lot of hand talking and phony drivel.

    Comment by thomas mcnulty on October 31, 2015 at 4:25 am