The Party Bullet: Mick, Mimi, and Hazel Get Drunk at a Funeral
The latest infomercial in the Magic Bullet franchise has debuted! In The Party Bullet Mick, Mimi, and Hazel (!) return. The producers of this one have really ramped up the humor and campiness in an earnest attempt to make this thing go viral:
In the Party Bullet infomercial, Mick and Mimi are hurrying to get to a wedding they are already late for. With them are cigarette-chomping Hazel, a fan favorite character not seen since the Magic Bullet to Go infomercial, and a new character named Sherman, who continues the tradition of the fat-life-of-the-party role previously supplied by Berman and Ralph.
As the result of the kind of wacky mix up seen on 1950s sitcoms, they end up in a room where a funeral is being held. Mick and company do not realize what has happened. Yes, they know no one there and there is a casket at the front of the room, yet they still don’t grasp they have mistakenly barged into someone’s funeral. Maybe they were drunk already.
After making some inappropriate comments, Mick whips out his Party Bullet, “the world’s first countertop mixologist.” A mirrored disco ball somehow shows up, and the funeral guests begin eagerly drinking, dancing, and generally behaving like the cast of Jersey Shore. Sherman hits on the grieving widow and tells the priest, “C’mon, father. You can’t spell ‘funeral’ without F-U-N.” Mick makes a midget joke.
Such a scene of revelry at a funeral might risk being offensive. At the end, however, Mick knocks on the coffin, and the man inside knocks back. So there really wasn’t a dead man there…just a man about to be buried alive. Another wacky mix up!
With the Party Bullet, the makers of the Magic Bullet line have given up the pretense that anyone is using their products to make guacamole, alfredo sauce, or muffin batter. They finally admit that anyone who buys their stuff does it so they can get smashed. To this end, they announce recipes for “signature cocktails” named after the characters on the infomercial: the Mickarita, Mimito, Hazeltini, and Sherma Colada.
Fans of characters on the previous Magic Bullet infomercials will be forced to come up with their own recipes for the Bermanhattan and the Grandmai Tai.
A big thank you on the rocks with salt to Jack Carnighan for letting us know about the Party Bullet infomercial!
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15 Responses to “The Party Bullet: Mick, Mimi, and Hazel Get Drunk at a Funeral”
Comment by euGene on May 7, 2012 at 7:11 pm
Did they recast Hazel? If that’s the same actress, she hasn’t kept it together too well.
Comment by Thomas on May 7, 2012 at 7:17 pm
So Sherman gets the widow but Hazel doesn’t get to hook up with anybody?
When Mick knocked on the coffin, it should have opened up and then Hazel would stagger out of it, having had her way with the corpse.
Comment by bookendz on May 8, 2012 at 10:57 am
I love how Mick says “Party” in a pseudo-American accent. Every single time.
Also, on the official website is says:
“Q: When can I see the infomercial again?
A:Unfortunately an air schedule is not available so we are unable to provide precise hours and channels that the Party Bullet show can be viewed. However, it regularly airs on several broadcast and cable stations. Please check your local listings. In the mean time, we do offer video clips and other valuable information on this website.”Does this mean there is a longer Party Bullet infomercial somewhere?
Comment by Autumn on May 9, 2012 at 6:45 am
Best infomercial ever!
Comment by Al Frank on May 9, 2012 at 9:17 pm
So Berman must have taken the copyright for his character with him when he left the Magic Bullet franchise, thus prompting them to create a knockoff named Sherman. This must mean Berman is a free agent now. Watch out, Mark Rosen!
Comment by Iceberg Louie on May 12, 2012 at 10:48 am
Wow! Mimi is lookin’ hot!
Comment by David on May 13, 2012 at 4:44 pm
Is it just me or does Hazel look like Hunter S. Thompson in “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?”×233.jpg
Comment by Joseph on May 15, 2012 at 4:49 am
I would say that all these years of hard partying are starting to take a toll on Mick and Mimi as well. They all look different.
Which, of course, only proves that the Party Bullet is as awesome a party machine as they claim.
Now I’m going to spend many a sleepless night flipping around the dial looking for this thing. Sure I can watch it on the internet now, but somehow it’s much more magical at 3 in the morning on a fuzzy old TV screen.
Comment by Julie on May 20, 2012 at 4:42 pm
So if we take this infomercial at face value, the demographic Magic Bullet now sees itself as really aiming for is that enormous, untapped market of widows, midgets and Catholic priests?
Comment by Robert B. on May 20, 2012 at 6:49 pm
I’ll just state the obvious here – these infomericals aren’t as funny because they’re actually TRYING to be funny. The whole reason the two original ones were hilarious is because they were sorta trying to be funny but failed miserably.
They fail here as well but now they’re just trying to hard. Plus, no Berman = no fun.
Comment by Andrea on June 3, 2012 at 1:03 am
And that should be *too* hard.
Comment by Andrea on June 3, 2012 at 1:04 am
Hazel is a GILF!
Comment by Magic Bullet groupie on September 6, 2013 at 5:14 pm
Omg, I’ve seen that midget guy before! He surely gets around haha.
Comment by jenny on April 9, 2014 at 7:39 pm
In the Bullet Express review, you described Ralph as Shemp to Berman’s Curly. Using that comparison, Sherman is the Joe Besser of the Magic Bullet franchise.
Comment by Thomas Mossman on August 24, 2019 at 5:11 pm
I think the age of the actress who plays Hazel has finally caught up to her character.