Blanket with Sleeves Grudge Match: Slanket vs. Snuggie
You may have seen the TV commercial for the Snuggie “Blanket with Sleeves” that makes you look like you’ve just taken vows of poverty and chastity. But, as many readers pointed out in my last post, the Snuggie is actually a rip-off of an earlier product called the “Slanket.”
The Slanket was created by Gary Clegg in 1998 when he was a freshman in college. The following clip shows Clegg promoting the Slanket on QVC.
(The above video was from a Style network show called The Dish, which is a lame rip-off of The Soup. My apologies.)
Maybe it is just me but looking at Gary Clegg and hearing his story puts me in mind of granola and Burning Man and bong water. On his website he wrote:
Besides creating a product to make people comfortable and warm, our life goals are not to accumulate mansions, SUV’s, expensive watches and closets just for shoes. What we want in life is to travel the world and experience all its cultures while representing humanity positively. Whether surfing in Costa Rica, snowboarding in Austria, or studying language in South America and China, we love to spread our sleeves and let them flap in the wind, giving back in the process.
So it is no wonder the Snuggie marketing department is kicking his ass!
In contrast, when I look at the Snuggie marketing efforts, I get the impression that their target customer is a Midwestern mom reading Parade magazine in the stands at her kid’s soccer game before she hurries home to cook a tuna-noodle casserole.
If you take a look at both the Slanket and the Snuggie one difference that stands out is that the Slanket actually looks like a big blanket whereas the Snuggie makes you look like you are returning from the evening vespers at your monestary—or that you have just been brainwashed into joining an apocalyptic cult.
The Slanket, however, still gives the people wearing it a strange appearance. Slanket hides your body and turns you into an amorphous blob, much like a cheap ghost costume where you just put a sheet over yourself. But this is freakier because a human head is popping out of it. Maybe the impression given is just that of a severed human head and hands. Or maybe some kind of rejected Sid & Marty Krofft character.
On the plus side, all the promotional photos of the Slanket show the people wearing it to be either sitting or recumbent on a couch. Unlike the folks at Snuggie, they never encourage people to take their lives in their hands by wearing this thing in public.
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103 Responses to “Blanket with Sleeves Grudge Match: Slanket vs. Snuggie”
Comment by Mel on November 25, 2008 at 11:33 pm
topanga lol
Comment by Emilin8r on November 26, 2008 at 11:57 pm
So THAT is what happened to Topanga after she was arrested for DUI.
Comment by MW on November 28, 2008 at 11:39 am
Incredible review! What I’m trying to find out is if there is a difference in quality, texture, etc, b/c the slanket costs 2X the snuggie and you get 2 snuggies, so actually you could get 4 snuggies for 1 slanket.
Comment by Wild Bill on November 29, 2008 at 9:06 am
Hmmm….I recall back in the late 70s my mother had something like a comforter that had snaps so you could keep your hands and feet outside. Seems very similar to these two ‘products’.
It’s called a sweater, people! Put a blanket over your lap and wear a sweater. You’ll be amazed at the freeness of your arm movement while still remaining warm! 🙂
Comment by TrshTwns01 on November 30, 2008 at 4:07 pm
Seemed like a cool idea so ordered the Snuggie on 10/28/08 and they have them on back order and cannot deliver until after 12/28! Don’t plan on purchasing for any Xmas gifts, people. I cancelled my order today.
Comment by fjohns3030 on December 1, 2008 at 11:29 am
I wonder what would happen if you put your robe on backwards…Hmmmm….it would look like a snuggie.
Comment by James on December 1, 2008 at 1:05 pm
It takes a brave man to admit to this crowd that he ordered a snuggie. Sir, I honor you.
Comment by Mel on December 1, 2008 at 3:54 pm
Waaaayyyyy on backorder.
I love the way they don’t tell you it’s on backorder until you wonder where it is.
Cancelled my order today!Comment by Shirl on December 4, 2008 at 12:44 pm
How did you cancel the order ? I was duped, now I want to cancel , but they won’t answer CUstomer Service
Comment by DAve on December 4, 2008 at 4:03 pm
Thanks for a terrific review; you’ve helped me a lot as I couldn’t decide which one to buy as gifts. Now I realize that neither is appropriate for anyone I know, so I’ll just think of something else. LOL!
Comment by Cath on December 7, 2008 at 8:51 pm
Snuggie Customer Service 800-566-2888. Recevied a similar product years ago. Ordered the Snuggie (BOGO) on Nov 17th – received a confirmation number via e-mail. Dec 5th called looking for the item and was told the confirmation number is useless and I must regive my credit card number! Took several attempts to talk to someone. QVC has a similar item.
Comment by su on December 8, 2008 at 11:56 am
I wanted a snuggie sooooo bad till reading your blogs…gee, I have sweaters And long robes I can put on backwards….DUH!!!!!thanks for saving me $20.00 PLUS $16.00 S&H.
Comment by Janet Munson on December 8, 2008 at 8:51 pm
Ordered my Snuggie over a month ago – havent recieved it. Trying to call 800-566-2888 to cancel…can’t get through…Yes I’m an idiot for thinking this was a good idea. Don’t order anything off tv. I’ve done it a few times now and am never happy with the products. The infomercials have the same amnesiac effect of alcohol.
Comment by Amy on December 9, 2008 at 7:18 am
From someone I know that has both
the verdict is in – the Slanket is WAY, WAY better! Thicker, softer polartec fabric, seems to be made better. This is a truthful comparison! (I am not sure what I would have said if the Slanket were not superior.)
Comment by Timmy on December 9, 2008 at 10:44 pm
“On the plus side, all the promotional photos of the Slanket show the people wearing it to be either sitting or recumbent on a couch. Unlike the folks at Snuggie, they never encourage people to take their lives in their hands by wearing this thing in pubic.”
How is sitting or recumbent on a couch taking it out in public?
Comment by john on December 10, 2008 at 10:22 pm
Hey John,
Do you suffer from dyslexia? Did you bother actually reading the setences you quoted?
The SLANKET promo materials only show people recumbent on a couch; in contrast the SNUGGIE commercial shows people wearing the product in public.
“UNLIKE the folks at Snuggie, they [The creators of The Slanket] NEVER encourage people to take their lives in their hands by wearing this thing in pubic.”
Comment by Paul Lucas on December 11, 2008 at 9:34 am
Ya I got tricked too. Tried ordering one for my mom. A mid-western lady but haven’t recived anything from the company CS always busy I am calling my bank to make sure they don’t charge my card. I can’tr seem to cancel the order.
First and Last time I order from TV. Minus QVC they rock.
Comment by M Hunter on December 12, 2008 at 9:10 am
Luckily I stumbled upon this site. I was set to order a snuggie as a gift.
Comment by Andy on December 12, 2008 at 5:21 pm
Ordered 3 slankets for wife and two daughters, had warned them that house was going to be cold, so I figured I would try to help them with it…..then a buddy at work sends me link to Snuggies……..much much cheaper, and comes with a reading light….which probably does not work, but……anyways, I e-mailed the Slanket company, to ask them what the difference is……….could really use the extra $$…
Comment by Scott on December 15, 2008 at 6:57 am
Oddly enough–my 17 year old sister wanted a Snuggie for Christmas. I placed the order on November 29 and received a confirmation email. I tried to call CS on December 12—I either received a busy signal or the call was received and then I was hung up on about 25 times–not kidding–it serisouly took that many times until I finally got through to a real person–only to find out that I would recieve my order on Jan. 11, 2009. I cancelled the order. ABC Distributing also has a generic version called the Snuggle for about $7.95–but I highly doubt they will arrive before the holidays.
Comment by Kristen on December 15, 2008 at 9:27 am
ordered Snuggies on 11/18. Got Conf.#. Tried to call and check on it, but got recording. They did charge my card on 12/11 so I figured it was being shipped. Hopefully, it will come this week, but from what I read here, I might have to give a picture and a promise of a present after Christmas. Do know old lady that bought 10 for all of her family. She got them in 4 weeks.
Comment by CR on December 15, 2008 at 12:14 pm
I wish I had seen this site before I ordered. However, I was able to call the customer service line and cancel. My advice:
Call 800-566-2888.
You may experience hangups or dead air. Stay on until you are disconnected or hear a fast busy signal. Then redial. Like someone else said, it took about 30-40 tries before I got through.
Once you get on, you may be on for a while. I was on hold for about 20 minutes before I got through. During this time you are bombarded with an ear-poundingly poor music recording and pleas to call back later in the week. Ignore them.
Once you get through, just indicate you wish to cancel your order. I explained that I had recently been laid off and that pretty much stopped any discussion on keeping the order.Good luck and be patient with them.
Comment by Mys on December 16, 2008 at 6:59 am
I thought that they looked stupid…..but now after reading this, I must own one!…make that two. Oh what the heck, one for each family member. I always thought that Lorne Greene looked cosmic in his Battlestar Galactica dress uniform.
Comment by Spanky on December 16, 2008 at 3:05 pm
I just called the number, 800-566-2888, and got right through. I guess it helps to call at 8pm! Anyway, they just told me that my order, made on 12/12/08, has an expected delivery date of 1/21/09. The customer support guy I talked to said that “they way outsold on this product”. So they didn’t think it would sell and only had 20 on hand? I guess this won’t be an X-mas present for Mom after all. I didn’t cancel my order because I figured I’d just give it to her for her birthday instead. Sounds like a great product, even if it is backordered till next year!
Comment by Kim on December 16, 2008 at 7:13 pm
I owe a Slanket and love it! When I first got it, it had way too much fabric above the sleeves that folds under your neck. It was getting in my way, so I cut off about 10 inches and hemmed it on the sewing machine. Problem solved. It’s really warm. The Snuggie is a cheap knock off and not as thick as the Slanket. Just bought another for my mother-in-law for Christmas.
Comment by Debbie on December 17, 2008 at 9:59 am
I ordered a snuggie for a co-worker over the phone because the website was not working. It was all automated and they kept trying to sell other products. Everytime I said “no” they were like “I understand your hesitation, but let me tell you why you really need it” and all you could do was listen or hang up. They did not give me a confirmation number nor asked for my e-mail. I got the Customer Service number off of this website. I called and got throught 10 minutes later. The man was extremely rude and said I could not cancel my order because he would not be able to see my order in the system for another 24-48 hours. Is that another scam, or do I really have to wait?
Comment by Morgan on December 17, 2008 at 2:24 pm
Reminds me of my mother’s effort during my childhood to keep our baby goat warm by making it wear an old sweater of mine! Sadly though, it’s mommy won’t let it come near her and instead headbutt her. Poor kiddy!
Comment by Znkp the Loser on December 17, 2008 at 3:03 pm
There is an alternative. Shopko has something that I picked up for my girlfriend called a 3 in 1 softie wrap. Got it for 25 bucks no waiting. Plus it looks nicer!
Comment by Erik on December 17, 2008 at 9:54 pm
Very therapeutic reading these posts. I ordered for my wife and sister (even upgraded to plusher thicker model). Got through to customer service day after as I wanted to see if it would be delivered before Xmas. Not happenign and she siad they could not help me until after 48 hours. Haev tried 20 times since and have not gotten through. Thank you for telling me to ignore message about callng back later in week. I will now stay on the line. Still looks cool!
Comment by J Weisberg on December 18, 2008 at 6:29 pm
I saw the QVC Special of the Day on 12/10/08 when it came out on 9pm PST. I should have ordered the blue and red right away. When I decided to order on on 12/11, the only colors available were green and brown. I ordered on 12/11 (Thu). and I received my two green and one brown slanket on 12/16 (Wed). QVC delivered very quickly via UPS Ground. I paid $26.80, $22.80 and $22.80. These for the Special of the Day. The QVC intro price is now $29.48. I am glad I did not buy those Snuggies. Snuggies may be cheaper, but QVC is quick and they have very good customer service.
Comment by Wilson on December 18, 2008 at 6:33 pm
I am a proud Slanket owner, and that thing rocks. I can barely afford to heat my apartment, so the Slanket plus my laptop allows me to keep things at a nice 62F that won’t break the bank (hopefully). I think the Snuggies are a cheap knockoff and are too form fitting for my tastes. I don’t want to actually wear my blanket, thanks.
Comment by cinnarose on December 19, 2008 at 2:00 pm
I just bought 4 Snuggies online. I have always wanted a blanket with sleeves so I could read in bed on cold nights. I think it’s a great idea and I don’t plan to wear it outside the house. My COMPLAINT is that the shipping and handling COST THE SAME AS THE BLANKET. And you don’t have the option to see the s/h until you are checking out. So that DOUBLES YOUR PRICE. I think that’s where the scam comes in. Happy Holidays!
Comment by GG on December 20, 2008 at 4:01 pm
You can call 1-888-326-0977 to cancel, it’s the number I used when I cancelled my order after them telling me 2 other times, 2 different shipping dates, the 3rd call told me it was on back order until at least 1-15-09 and even then he wasn’t sure when I would receive my order.
Comment by Dee on December 25, 2008 at 12:49 am
Looks like the snuggie people are creeps and that slanket is a better product so I will order a slanket. Quality and customer service beat out price.
Comment by chris on December 25, 2008 at 3:40 pm
Ok, so I was tempted to order a couple of these things for my wife and I for our more sedentary moments. Thank you “GG” and others who wrote of long back-order times, I have refrained from spending money foolishly – will stick to robes and blankets and lap cats….
Comment by Bigfoot on December 27, 2008 at 1:26 pm
My 3 year old daughter is fascinated with Snuggies – she told me everyone in the family needs one. A knockoff brand that was charging $40 a pop stopped her in her tracks at Sears – I had to talk her into leaving the store without one. Then, the other day, she opened her closet, saw her robe, and said “oh, there’s my Snuggie!” Problem solved.
Comment by Ophelia on December 28, 2008 at 5:38 pm
we ordered 6 by accident and have tried to cancel ir modify the order for 5 days. The voice maila nd hold time beyond worth waiting for. I am on hold again now for an hour. We will NOT be keeping the Snuggie once we receive it! Their customer service is deplorable!
Comment by TS on December 29, 2008 at 7:28 am
Both the SLANKET and the SNUGGIE are guilty of stealing this idea from the owners and original inventors of the FREEDOM BLANKET, Sean & Jennifer Iannuzzi. The FREEDOM BLANKET was out long before these two companies! The Slanket actually purchased a FREEDOM BLANKET months before they started up their business. AND the Snuggie is an EXACT copy of a FREEDOM BLANKET!
Now, my question is…Is it fair these two companies are making millions off of someone elses idea that they STOLE?
Comment by Jennifer on December 29, 2008 at 7:33 am
What a disappointing review. A lot of wise-guy comments but no actual owner reviews. You could get this much info from a bunch of drunks at a bar.
Comment by Terry Quarton on December 30, 2008 at 9:14 am
Hey Terry,
If you would actually read the text located at the top left corner of this page you would have found out that this is a HUMOR site (thus the “wise-guy comments”)! It is NOT a product review site. I might as well look over your 2007 tax returns and bitch that there is no review of the Snuggie there either!
Comment by Paul Lucas on December 30, 2008 at 9:23 am
Snuggie is a RIP OFF. I cancelled my CC before the charge went through. They are not getting my money!
Comment by Bell on December 30, 2008 at 12:13 pm
I can masturbate and keep warm!
Comment by bill on December 31, 2008 at 12:19 pm
I thought the Slanket was silly too but at least it was an original idea. I bought a Slanket for my boyfriend three years ago and I feel genuinely offended at the audacity these people have for stealing this idea and mass marketing it for soo cheaply.
Comment by RMDelete on December 31, 2008 at 6:08 pm
Ordering on the website sucks! It doesn’t let you confirm the order before it goes so I accidentally ordered an extra deluxe set! I am being charged 86.70 and the shipping is $31.00 of that!!! I want to cancel at least the set that I do not want. Will never order from an online site again unless it is on!!!
Comment by Chassity on January 2, 2009 at 12:12 am
I had the same problem others have had trying to cancel my Snuggie order. I called the bank so they could watch for the charge and refuse it. I then went online to the Better Business Bureau and they took care of getting my order cancelled. They issued a complaint to the company and got back to me within just a few days. THey were amazing! THey even found out the real phone # and address and forwarded it to me. Snuggies only lists a box number in their ad. And their website is very misleading in that they tell you you can choose a second color but when you choose the second color, it automatically orders two more snuggies! And there is no where on the site to cancel the order!
Comment by A.Alix on January 4, 2009 at 6:08 am
hasn’t anyone noticed how much the shipping and handling is? I wanted to order 2 sets, was over 30.00….ridiculous…
Comment by Jac on January 5, 2009 at 7:26 am
I just ordered the snuggie for my girlfriend, but after reading the reviews I’m going to join the club of frustrated individuals who will try, or have tried to cancel their order. I’m going to try the better business bureau combined with contacting my bank…thanks for the advice everyone! p.s. all the info about the website being misleading is spot on…can’t believe I was manipulated…frustrating.
Comment by jeff on January 5, 2009 at 4:53 pm
Paul Lucas rightfully throttled Terry for thinking this was a product review site by stating it’s supposed to be humor. But there’s not a whole lot of it going on here.. unless you count Bill the guy who says he masterbates to keep warm. I don’t know why but I thought that was a wee bit funny. Actually I think Bill is the guy on the brown leather couch sporting the fluffy blue Snuggie (or Slanket as the case may be). He looks like he’s about ready to spank poppa or maybe just finished.
Comment by Steve on January 5, 2009 at 9:59 pm
Ordered my snuggie (buy one, get one free) in early December!!! As soon as I got my billing info into the system up comes a congradulation that I just ordered the “deluxe” and would get 2 flashlights. And double the price plus shipping totaling over forty five dollars. Tried to cancel and could not get back into snuggies system. Tried to call cs and could not get the phone to answer or just would get a blank sound. Tried several days. Even called my Credit card company to assure no bill. I would have to put a hold on the card to assure that I would not be billed. At christmas shopping time, no way. A month later I get a notice my order was on its way. I had forgotton it and marked it up to a learning experience. Called my card company and they advised me to send merchandise back for credit. Finally got a number to call Snuggies. They told me to send merchandise to 300 Returns Road in Wallington, Ct 06493. Called UPS and they said just to refuse the order and make sure I had a tracking number. Finally, today, I caught UPS at the time of delivery and refused the order. Per UPS the tracking number remains the same as on the original shipment. If my credit card company has that number and I wait six weeks, yes, another six weeks, and credit is not received they can get it for me. A long story, but might help others. Thanks for listening. I was burned another time ordering on Tv and sworn I would never do it again and now i will never have another senior moment watching a commercial on tv. Lois Curtis
Comment by Lois Curtis on January 7, 2009 at 12:52 pm
Ordered a snuggie early in December. On 12/29 I got a notice that I would not receive it by Xmas (duh!). Called to cancel and after about 5 minutes of the representative insisting that there was no order for us, she finally found the order and SAID she canceled it. On 12/31 our credit card was charged. Called and they said we never canceled the order, and that it’s on the way to us, but is not scheduled to arrive for another week. Apparently we have to return it once we get it, but in light of what we’ve been thru I have no confidence that that will go smoothly. What a scam!
Comment by Randy on January 8, 2009 at 6:03 am
Finally I can masturbate and stay warm.
Comment by bill on January 8, 2009 at 12:11 pm
Freedom Blanket?!? Fends off nuclear attacks while you’re reading on the sofa. Used to be called the French Blanket until they made those nasty cracks. In french. Zut alors!
Comment by Catrina on January 10, 2009 at 2:18 pm
Honestly, I wanted one of these things until I started wondering about your back and possible closures. (‘Cause I mean, if their whole schtick is your being able to DO stuff when you wear these, what’s gonna happen the first time you bend over or lean down? Your Snuggie gonna fall right off, is what’ll happen. ;)) So now, every time I see this over-run commercial, I just wanna say “it’s called a robe, people!” 😉 They DO look awful snuggly, but again.. there are TONS of soft, snuggly fleece robies out there, so.. Snuggie.. what’s the point?
Just to have “More Stuff.”
Comment by Nae on January 10, 2009 at 5:20 pm
My wife and I have bought two slankets from QVC and just love them. So glad we didn’t try to order the snuggie after reading these comments. The customer service is wonderful if you ever have a problem. Shipping is reasonable and very quick. The Slanket is just absolutely wonderful and warm while just watching TV or with a laptop in my lap. If anyone is wavering on which to order, The Slanket is the way to go.
Comment by Mikeal on January 11, 2009 at 4:06 pm
I have to agree with Bill, I am definitely very “warm” with my Snuggie that finally got here.
Comment by Joe on January 11, 2009 at 7:22 pm
Hey, I made my own Snuggie by wearing my robe backwards!! It really works!!
Comment by karen on January 13, 2009 at 12:53 pm
They sell the Snuggie at Walgreens now. I bought one for $14.95. In real terms it is probably worth $2.00.
I am now part of the cult of the snuggie.
Comment by T on January 14, 2009 at 6:48 am
I own the original Slanket and loved it, so I ordered
the cheaper Snuggie for my family. I paid the extra $10.00 to get the extra thick ones. I can’t imagine what they would have been like had I not paid the additional amount. Even with the claim of being 50% thicker, they are way thinner than my Slanket. I was kind of dissapointed, but I still have my Slanket and it is the superior product!Comment by eviemarie on January 14, 2009 at 5:44 pm
Just talked to actual person here is the number I called 1-800-566-2888. Just went on my bank account wasn’t I surprised they charged my card double. Said they sent me 8 Snuggies I only ordered 2. Call this number now or you could also be in for a surprise with you CC or Bank card. Never did I think it would take over 2 months to hear anything. What a rip OFF Good Luck all
Comment by Sue on January 17, 2009 at 12:20 pm
I am a little confused on how the snuggie/slanket helps you stay warm while masterbating-while a regular blanket falls short.The snuggie/slanket are what they are because they have sleeves…so If your arms were through the sleeves of a blanket that is covering your lap, how would self gratification be possible while still staying warm? If you masterbate through the snuggie…MESSY(and gross), if you pull it to the side *drafty* And if the answer is “pull your arms into it”….then you have just bastardized a snuggie into a blanket. The only other idea I had would be cutting a hole…but again-that wouldn’t keep you very warm-and from then on anyone who saw your snuggie would know that you’re one dirty S.O.B.
If I’ve overlooked something, please let me know-but I’m pretty convinced that neither the snuggie, or the slanket promote masterbation if used for the purposes a snuggie-and not a blanket.
Comment by Gitzy on January 20, 2009 at 1:02 am
I was about to order two, put my credit card # in and everything but at the last minute I changed my mind but it still purchased them with my credit card! grr.
so now i have 3, and let me tell you they are not nearly as mobile as they look
Comment by Austin on January 20, 2009 at 12:29 pm
Comment by Mary on January 20, 2009 at 1:54 pm
I found my Snuggie at Bed Bath and Beyond for $14.99 plus I used the 20% off coupon that Bed Bath and Beyond always send in the mail so, I actually got it for $11.99. The only thing I did not like about buying it at Bed Bath and Beyond was that the only color they carry is Royal Blue and I wanted the Burgundy one.
Comment by Krista on January 26, 2009 at 1:40 am
my dad ordered a Snuggie (ick what a freaking lame name) for me at around eeh…jan. 2nd or 3rd and its supposedly coming before jan 30 so…i dunno but it seems okay to me, although i havent gotten it yet…
sorry to you all that got ripped off though, sucks to be you.
and no, i will not be wearing my Snuggie (ugh i HATE that name it makes my ears bleed) in public, because i do not wish to lose any more of my meager store of dignity…Comment by sammie on January 28, 2009 at 4:55 pm
Here’s a helpful hint for those who can not get through to customer service and have not received their product. Instead of trying to get through to their supposed customer service dept. by calling, try calling your bank and doing a “charge-back” if you paid via debt/credit. I think you can even do the same thing with a regular credit card. I did that with a company that over charged me and I could never get through to them so I called my bank and explained the situation and they credited my acct the very next day.
Comment by Angie on January 29, 2009 at 6:13 pm
We ordered the Snuggies, and after about 20 minutes of them trying to sell you other crap when you call to buy it, and after about 4-6 weeks of waiting, they finally arrived. It’s nothing but a THIN fleece blanket with arm holes, and it’s very awkward to wear. I had hoped it was better, but right now it’s laying on my bed as I sit here in my ROBE which is warmer…and it has arm holes too.
Save yourself some money, buy a robe and a $5 fleece blanket at Walmart.Comment by Kathy on January 30, 2009 at 6:20 am
I ordered Snuggie for Christmas presents and website said allow 10 days for shipping prior to typing in a temporary debit card. After card # was typed in, statement popped up saying delivery would be made within 4-6 weeks. Too late to cancel, even though they did not debit card until snuggies were shipped. I ordered on 12/13/08 and product was received Jan 16, 2009. Use paypal credit cards or see if your bank will give you an account just for online purchases, and cancel debit cards after purchases are debited to prevent fraud. I have not seen the Snuggie I ordered for family out of state. I upgraded to a thicker fleece, and wonder if family got the upgrade. I was told blanket was thick in material. I did not like choice of colors, but I liked the warmth factor, and bought for parents so they would be warm this winter. I hope they are enjoying.
Comment by Janet on January 31, 2009 at 4:56 am
Anyone who orders a Snuggie is crazy. This is a big scam. I ordered two of them with the lights for reading and just as I was going to place the order they offered me two more for the price of 1. However, after placing the order the total shipping came to over $50.00. I tried to get them on the phone and that was absolutely impossible. I then called my credit card company and told them what they did to me and they changed my card so that when the order (which was backorderd for 4-6 weeks was actually billed the card was no longer good. I got the better of that scam!!! Buyer beware of this company which is cheating the public. They should not be allowed to lie and make fools of people. It is out and out FRAUD!!!!
Comment by Peggy on January 31, 2009 at 8:43 pm
I am one of the few people in the world who have owned both. and one of the few people in the world with this much time on their hands. I ordered snuggie first online and ended up getting scammed into paying $45 for the $19 dollar offer. Then I cancelled that out of principle. Then I ordered it through the phone. Even bigger mistake. Its an automated woman who has to voice in all your information. Simple enough right? But then she has all these “amazing offers” for you, other useless as seen on tv garbage. It could have taken 25 minutes but i wised up and pressed a key that allowed me to pass to the next item. Well, let me tell you the automated lady, she got a little testy with me asked me calmly but sternly and to be patient and allow her to tell me about all the offers. Well, it was all for nothing because it was on backorder and never got here before Christmas. So seeing how I needed a backup plan, I also ordered a slanket. Wow. Well, fast customer service with a real company. I didn’t feel like I was being used or conned. And the product itself is just awesome. The material is great quality, heavy, and very very warm and soft. The Slanket feels like something you’d feel good about giving to your boss as a gift. The Snuggie feels like something you’d be embarrassed to give or receive. I think my husband summed it up best. It felt like the cheap fleecy blankets you get on long plane flights. It is super thin and feels for like felt than fleece. And the part I liked least was that it was it created all this static when you would try to fold it or move around in it. Folded up the Slanket it about 3 times the size, and like I said it’s a quality product from a reputable company. They let you know via email when they expect you to receive your product. I had it within a week. With the Snuggie it was a guessing game. I think they say anywhere between 4-6 weeks. I hope this helps. But it you still want the snuggie I’m selling mine on ebay. cheap.
Comment by suz on February 2, 2009 at 5:21 pm
I have two Slankets. One at home and one for travel (they now have a travel size) since I travel a LOT. I felt a Snuggie the other day and there is no comparison. The Snuggie is a cheap knock-off of a great product. Plus the folks at Slanket are responsive and kind. They also put their money where their mouth is and contribute to all sorts of causes. I love my Slanket(s), am ordering a 3rd for me and have given at least 3 as gifts. Now, do you want to know how I really feel?
Comment by Janne on February 8, 2009 at 7:20 am
This snuggies is a copy cat product that was stolen from me in 1994, I take the original product to a marketing firm that filed for patent in the owners name, my product was seen on Opra in 1995,and was beeing produced by Landsend,the owner left, Ma. and ran to CA. to continue his sceam, as my suit followed him into 1997 he filed for bankrupcy and I was left with nothing, this same person try to file suit against other manufacturers claiming to own patent which he filed through mail fraud but still was able to recieve patent even though prior filings of copyright ect were made well in advance of his filing, the original Was Called the COUCH-POUCH!
Comment by steve on February 12, 2009 at 6:38 am
The snuggie is a cheap ripoff of THE SLANKET and looks weird as hell. Ive bought 3 slankets so far for myself and for gifts and everyone loves them.
Comment by Todd J on February 19, 2009 at 11:44 am
The snuggie is a waste of time and good money..from what everyone said bad about this product,they are true…The snuggie company rips u off, from bankcards to delivery times, plus,,I sent mine back for a refund..They charge u 14.95,per pair(I got stuck with 4,two pairs)..they charged me 31.80 to ship it, and I only paid 7.12 to ship it back…hummm…I guess like any sleezz ball company, get what ya can..I expect em to go out of business real soon..oh, by the way,,their customer service peeps are very rude…The material to make these are reallll cheap..
Comment by Diane Lembke on February 20, 2009 at 10:18 am
I am just wondering why no one has commented on the last line of this review,
“Unlike the folks at Snuggie, they never encourage people to take their lives in their hands by wearing this thing in pubic.”
typo? freudian slip?
Or was it on purpose and the writer is saying that you be taking your life in your own hands by wearing the Snuggie in the nude?
hmmmm…..Comment by Sara on February 20, 2009 at 1:20 pm
It was a typo. Now corrected.
Comment by Paul Lucas on February 21, 2009 at 3:25 pm
I have not held the Snuggie outside the box, but my fiance got me a Slanket for Valentine’s Day. Just by weight comparison (Snuggie is available at my local drugstore in the As Seen On aisle), I can tell that the Slanket is a much heavier fleece and therefore likely to be warmer. Minie is the warmest throw I have ever owned, and I highly recommend it!
Slanket also donates money to charity on sale of every slanket (Blues and black to renewable water systems in Africa, Greens and Browns to envrionmental issues, Pinks, Purples, and Reds to Breast Cancer charities), so its nice to know I am giving back when I buy.
Comment by Becca on February 22, 2009 at 11:06 pm
Who invented the Blanket with Sleeves first? The answer is The Freedom Blanket. The company incorporated and submitted a US Patent in April of 2005. The original blanket with sleeves is The Freedom Blanket since 1992. Many articles have recently been published about how marketing can make the difference between one company making it and another not, but please do not let this confuse who invented the blanket with sleeves first. It is all about time to market and The Freedom Blanket was the very first blanket with sleeves period. The company sold The Blanket with Sleeves in over 50 stated and worldwide.
Comment by John on February 27, 2009 at 7:54 pm
The Freedom Blanket got fleeced. LOL.
Comment by Jane on March 1, 2009 at 8:47 pm
“The company sold The Blanket with Sleeves in over 50 stated and worldwide.”
I had been under the impression that 50 states would be the maximum amount of states that you could possibly sell a product in. Also, unless my public school education has failed me once again, I’m pretty sure that however many actual and theoretical states this Freedom Blanket has been sold in are assumed to be part of the world. The Freedom Blanket also kind of creeps me out after reading John’s comment. It’s being sold off-world and has “sleeves period.” I hope the Slanket and the Snuggie had the good sense to leave out the bleeding sleeves when they stole the idea.
Comment by Mike on March 1, 2009 at 11:07 pm
fucking retarded
Comment by BOB on March 2, 2009 at 1:07 pm
I know the founder of the Slanket and he is not a thief. He is a good guy who thought of an idea on his own and tried to figure out how to sell it. He started with just a few to his friends and family and then figured out a way to sell more. I just did some research and it does look like the Freedom Blanket was first, but I know he didn’t steal the idea. I would like to know if the Freedom Blanket had a website in 1998. Do we forget what the world was like 10 years ago…it wasn’t so easy to know what someone in NJ was doing up in Maine. Anyway, what are we talking about here? A blanket with sleeves!! I give props to Snuggie for obviously marketing better (hey Leno is talking about them) but I would suggest buying either a Slanket or a Freedom Blanket. From the reviews they are obviously better products than the Snuggie.
Comment by Jason in NYC on March 10, 2009 at 9:32 pm
lame as hell
Comment by Staple on March 11, 2009 at 1:04 pm
the two best infomercial products ever have to the Snuggie and the Shamwow… i wonder if it’s possible to combine the two, and make a single, super-absorbent robe?
Comment by coffee on March 13, 2009 at 12:52 pm
@coffee – Nice! I could put that baby on, lather up the floor, and just thrash around. Stay comfy while cleaning, done and done! I’ve never felt compelled to blog about a tv product before. I can only imagine the candid fun marketing had with this. I wonder if “The comfy Friar” was in the hat for a name! People truly will buy anything. Thanks for the laughs to both companies, and keep those infomercials rolling.
Comment by reignition on March 24, 2009 at 4:09 pm
I heard at this site that North Face is actually considering launching a line of Snuggie-like products — what out!
Comment by whatismyname on March 28, 2009 at 9:14 pm
Regarding your comment about THE DISH on Style being “a lame rip-off” of THE SOUP (on E!). Rip off implies someone just copied something, usually illegally. Given that Style and E! are both owned by the same company (Comcast) and are, in fact, located in the same building, my guess is the similarity between the two shows is more strategic and intentional than anything else.
Comment by Joaquin on March 29, 2009 at 12:47 am
My dog keeps humping me when I wear it.
Comment by Sahid on April 2, 2009 at 2:59 pm
My dog humps me too. I thought it was because I rarely bathe but now find it is the soft fibers of the Snuggie that drives the filthy animal wild. Since I am now addicted to the freedom of the Snuggie I have given the dog away. Now I am naked under the Snugie all the time without the beast harrassing me.
Comment by Bill on April 28, 2009 at 11:31 am
I wear this with nothing underneath. I was lounging on my patio but the wind blew up it and I accidently flashed the neighbor’s wife. There are evidently laws against this behaviour in my township. Now I’m on a sex offender list and get stink eyed thruoghout the neighborhood. These are bad, bad, bad products. I burnt mine.
Comment by Jay on May 21, 2009 at 3:14 pm
I think Guantanimo detainees should wear the Slanket and only the Slanket. This is punishment to fit a terrorist.
Comment by Sang on May 21, 2009 at 8:24 pm
This product helped me overcome my fear of fleece. Many weeks of counseling but it worked. I have a rare disorder with soft fuzzy items touching my skin. I once punched my spouse’s poodle because it brushed against me.
Comment by Chemmo on May 24, 2009 at 8:15 am
The colored fibers turn my testicles red.
Comment by jim on August 25, 2009 at 12:56 pm
What a bunch of complaining idiots! I love the motherfucking slanket and snuggie! I admit it. I have a masturbation addiction and this is the product for me. I can be naked in seconds or covered up in seconds. The thing twirls on and off like a cape! Plus going to the bathroom is a snap as well. Just lift the front or back and let it rip! The microfibers repel bodily fluids and the performance fleece against my naked skin is an added plus. If you don’t like what I have to say than you can SUCK IT!
Comment by Dirty Dan on August 25, 2009 at 12:58 pm
Listen here bitches. This is how I get my freak on with the Slanket. I first baste the inside of the sleeve with a secret blend of peanut butter, mayonaise, activa yogurt, chai tea and veal bits. Then I microwave the slanket and mixture for 12 seconds. When it is good and warm I then proceed to fuck it; often violently until I am satisfied. Which often takes many sweaty, pleasure filled hours to achieve. If I damage the sleeve during one of my indulgences; who cares. I just buy another one for $10. I would have to agree with Dirty Dan; the micro fibers do seem to repel bodily fluids. Watch out regarding getting microfibers down the hole as it can be very painful and extremely costly to fix. Don’t ask. Trust me. I know from experience.
Comment by Samson on August 27, 2009 at 5:27 pm
I bought the snuggy and BAM! Two years later, I have herpies. WTF. Damn SUGGY!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment by Thompson on October 16, 2009 at 2:32 pm
I purchased a Snuggie from Bed Bath and Beyond for $10 (plus 20% off coupon). I imagine I paid close to what this thing is actually worth. It’s fleece – but probably the thinnest cheapest fleece I’ve seen on a non-disposable blanket.
That said, it does get you pretty toasty after wrapping up in it for a few minutes. I actually fell asleep in mine last night. And a good night’s sleep is so much more important than dignity…
Comment by amandab on October 30, 2009 at 1:50 pm
The Snuggie is a piece of shit.
Comment by Jimmeh Weelkens on November 13, 2009 at 7:51 pm
Sure it may look good but it sucks so much. If you want to get a good blanket with sleeves get the Slanket because it provides more warmth than a silly Snuggie.(who came up with that name btw?)
Comment by Jimmeh Weelkens on November 13, 2009 at 7:53 pm
And I pity the fools that spent $19.99 or more for the Snuggie (And waited for shipping). They sell in grocery stores and Walmart now for like $13.00. (After I bought my PINK one for close to $13 at Wal-Mart, I saw it in a Kroger for close to $12!) Oh well, glad I got it anyway.
Comment by LM on November 21, 2009 at 9:22 pm
The damn thing is static filled in the winter. I keep sparking my sack when spanking it.
Comment by Bill on January 7, 2010 at 9:33 am
Comment by Mike on January 25, 2010 at 2:00 am
I was cranking it feverishly while wearing it that it actually combusted from friction. I had second degree burns and had a hard time explaining it to my wife and the emergency responders.
Comment by Swashbuckler on February 21, 2013 at 11:04 am
Dude, cold hands.