
Magic Bullet To Go Infomercial Review Now Online

At long last, I have uploaded my full review of the Magic Bullet To Go infomercial. This is the infamous sequel to the Original Magic Bullet infomercial in which Mick and Mimi take their friends on a camping trip and Hazel and Berman…hook up!

I have included video clips of three highlights from the infomercial. Many of you also requested that video of the entire Magic Bullet To Go infomercial be included; you will be happy to know that the producer of the infomercial, Homeland Housewares, has made video of the complete infomercial available in three parts. I’ve also included those videos on bottom of my Magic Bullet To Go page.

Also, for those who want to see Original Magic Bullet infomercial, I’ve added the video of the complete infomercial to my Original Magic Bullet infomercial review page.



  • 8 Responses to “Magic Bullet To Go Infomercial Review Now Online”

  • “Thanks for the socks big boy.” LOL!

    I wonder just how the producers made the decision to have Berman and Hazel get together like that:

    “What can we do to get more people to buy or portable MagicBulletToGo blender?”

    “I know. We can have our two ugly drunken characters have sexual intercourse.”

    “Great idea! Let’s do that.”

    Comment by David on June 3, 2008 at 8:33 pm

  • This is the best day ever!
    Dino is a great new character but I was disappointed with the lack of Hazel lines.
    I hope there is a third I’ve come across a new Magic Bullet product so there is hope!!!
    It’s called the Magic Bullet Platinum Pro!
    That would be the BEST!!

    Comment by Joren on June 4, 2008 at 3:31 pm

  • Hazel and Berman do have fewer lines in this infomercial but that fact that they actually get it on in berman’s tent makes up for it!!

    Comment by aimhire on June 4, 2008 at 4:39 pm

  • I love how they pretty much recycled 90% of the lines from the original infomercial. I like the (incredibly disgusting) twist about Berman and Hazel- them ending up together is an obvious conclusion, even in the original infomercial.

    Comment by Sara on June 5, 2008 at 1:42 pm

  • Thanks for the review on the infomercial…but how is the product??

    Comment by Cynthia on June 5, 2008 at 4:04 pm

  • Tina… is it just me, or is she the only who has retained knowledge from the previous infomercial? Seriously, she’s almost as savvy Mick and Mimi. She’s a totally different animal from most of those twits.

    I did like how Berman kept continuity in mind.

    Has Mick always been a Garlicphile?

    Comment by Conservative Cat on June 5, 2008 at 6:13 pm

  • The Magic Bullet infomercials are a howling riot. The “Bullet to go” infomercial has Betty and Barney (could their last name be “Rubble”) and the original infomercial has Wilma – and I’ll bet her hubby is Fred, a la Flintstone. That one dawned on me when teading the reviews naming all the characters.

    But having Hazel and Berman hook up – why does he remind me of George from Seinfeld? – is the ultimate gross-out, LOL!

    The infomercials are awful but you just have to keep watching!!!!

    Comment by Rita on June 14, 2008 at 1:07 am

  • An addendum to my June 14th post; I saw the original Magic Bullet infomercial this morning. One of the other fellows is named Ike – please don’t tell me the perky blonde Mimi-bot is named Tina. I mean we have Fred (guy with Wilma?) and Wilma (Flintstone?); Barney and Betty (Rubble?) and also Ike and – could it be – Tina (as in Turner?).

    The producers are having WAY too much fun with this!!! ROFL!!!

    Comment by Rita on June 19, 2008 at 5:31 am