ExtenZe Invents a Male Enhancement Drink
I’ve posted a full review of the latest version of the ExtenZe male enhancement pills infomercial.
Apparently, it is the 7th year anniversary of the ExtenZe infomercial being on the air. So we’ve all been blessed with 7 wonderful years of Ron Jeremy making irrelevant jokes and Bridgetta Tomarchio showing off her boobs…not to mention guys with small wee-wees taking pills in a desperate attempt to end up hung like a horse.
The latest version of the ExtenZe infomercial has the following highlights:
- They unveil an ExtenZe “male enhancement beverage” that comes in a soda can.
- Bridgetta Tomarchio returns as hostess.
- They go to the Playboy mansion where they bore some playmates with questions about ExtenZe as well as ask them, “Does size matter?”
Check it out: ExtenZe Sex Talk.
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8 Responses to “ExtenZe Invents a Male Enhancement Drink”
Comment by David on April 27, 2008 at 2:50 pm
The new infomercial is a surprisingly, and unfortunately, classy affair. I watched the last ExtenZe infomercial probably 200 times. This one, eh, I’ll probably watch it 50.
Comment by Mel on April 27, 2008 at 8:41 pm
I think it was pretty cheesy of them to reuse the one the street interviews. It was like they couldn’t find any people willing. I also noticed the interviews with “normal” people contradicts their argument about millions of guys being too shy to reveal that they take ExtenZe.
Comment by Conservative Cat on April 27, 2008 at 8:55 pm
check out http://www.bridgetta.com
Comment by Bridgetta Tomarchio on April 29, 2008 at 11:40 pm
During our teen, growing up in the pre-internet era in a backward country, we were deprived of finest quality internet porn, and so we made our own sexual jokes. One of those was about a man with erectile dysfucntion, being advised to drink cement in water, and then never getting rid of the permanent erection, once the cement solidified.
Maybe Extenze should add some cement to their drink.
Comment by Znkp on January 23, 2009 at 1:47 pm
Just think, 4th of July – Watermelon, now that we know it acts like viagra and Extenze drink cans as far as the eye can see.
Comment by Extenze on March 22, 2009 at 5:04 am
Yes, size matters. What are you, kidding me? 😉
Comment by Hot Gym Girl on April 22, 2009 at 10:26 pm
Congrats on the 7th anniversary !
Comment by Progentra on February 6, 2018 at 8:32 am
The timing of the Extenze drink is perfect: just in time for all those summer picnics and BBQs!
I know what coolers from coast to coast will be filled with this 4th of July!!