More Tom Vu Pictures
Knowing just how many Tom Vu fans there are out there, I’ve decided to post some of the screenshots from his infomercial that I didn’t use on my review page.
Of course, if you are a Tom Vu fan or just want to learn more about him, you should read my review of the Tom Vu infomercial, which includes two video clips from the infomercial.
Also, my humorous novel about infomercials, Make That Call Now!, includes a major character named Sammy Thieu, a Vietnamese immigrant turned infomercial pitchman who surrounds himself with scantily-clad women and other accoutrements of wealth. Hmmm…
(By the way, if you want to use any of these pictures on your own website feel free, just be sure to give us a link back.)
Tom Vu Mansion
Part of the Tom Vu infomercial was filmed at his “mansion” in Florida.
Here is Vu in his robe on top of his very own babe mountain:
Here are some of Vu’s seminar graduates, many of whom would later get pissed off at him. Notice the two guys with their backs to the camera staring at the chick in the pool:
Tom Vu Meets the President
Here is Vu with the President and First Lady. The look on Barabara’s face is precious. “Who IS that little man?!”
Come to My Seminar
Vu sprinting to the front (or maybe the back) of the room and receiving a standing ovation from the seminar attendees:
Vu’s family in their “boat people” days:
Yacht and Babes
Here are several of pictures of Tom Vu on his yacht with women in bikinis:
Close Ups of The Legend Himself
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11 Responses to “More Tom Vu Pictures”
Comment by Francois Tremblay on August 18, 2006 at 11:58 am
This is simply fantastic. Thank you.
Comment by churchyard drunkard on August 21, 2006 at 11:06 am
Thank you so much for preserving these commercials – you have done a great service to society.
Comment by Jamie Kiffiak on February 21, 2007 at 10:19 am
You’re welcome. It’s a labor of love.
Comment by Paul Lucas on February 21, 2007 at 11:35 am
yea i could care less about Tom Vu i remember attending his seminar back in the early 90’s all i can say this guy must of been backed-up by drug dealers who sell crack some dipwad who come up with a bright idea. found some vietnamese loser at some country club most likely put some pretty words in his mouth dress him up in a boss hog suite book his ass on tour. to do there dirty work and bidding for them as a frontman for some Bogus real estate biz just to make them look good and make some money. Anyways i remember him saying after his bullmess presentation Tom said you mean not enough people in here sell drugs to pay me a lousy thousand dollars for my wealth real estate plan whats wrong with you people as i remember half of the crowd left Tommy Vu’s seminar and he was left in the cold high and dry. lol i really felt sorry for the guy so i went on stage and took my picture with him for my school newspaper the following week i caught him fishing off a pier by his self lol what a lonely little man he must be the rest is history lmfao 😛
Comment by St. George on March 20, 2007 at 10:08 pm
Dam! i thought they kicked out Don Johnson and where shooting a video for Miami Vice with Jackie Chan and that black guy. lmfao ):-P
Comment by St. George on March 20, 2007 at 10:27 pm
I know some people that have know Tom Vu… he was just an excellent show-maker… He sold people a vision and they bought it… Not that he was right but… Who does not want to get rich quick these days?
Comment by St. Augustus on March 23, 2007 at 3:38 pm
Tom Vu’s seminar was free only $1,000 for parking…
Comment by Andreas on May 23, 2007 at 6:53 pm
He looks like the Evil Mr. John Chow…only shorter…
Comment by Stephen on June 21, 2007 at 9:39 pm
Tom Vu should come back. He could do a new infomercial with my one acquaintance. He is pretty funny, and he knows about the gold market. He also used to be in Real estate. They can sell a new system that tells you how to sell real estate, and how to buy and sell gold.
Vu can try to make some more “millinars”, and he can bring back bikini girls in thigh high high heel boots and high heels. I can see the comedy gold ensuing.
Comment by J.A on March 17, 2010 at 12:01 pm
It’s been a long time since I watched these, but I seem to recall 2 different sets of infomercials. The first revolved around the yacht and the chicks along with the standing invitation to visit him at his humble home and the harrowing story of the time his poor mother was sick and he didn’t have no insurance. It was then and there when he began to create the Tom Vu method.
The second was filmed around him humble home. These featured a dark and angry Vu. (Perhaps because people started suing him.) In one, an angry Vu could be heard saying “Go ahead be loser all your life, at which point, he jumped into his expensive car and squealed the tires as he drove off. MORE TOM VU PLEASE.
Comment by peter howell on August 28, 2012 at 5:59 am
I like the second one on “Come to my Seminar”.