
Infomercial News: Russ Dalbey Gets Sued and Kevin Trudeau Ponders Run for Congress

Russ Dalbey, creator of the “Winning in the Cash Flow Business” money making program, joins the likes of Tom Vu, Dave Del Dotto, and William McCorkle on the list of infomercial stars in trouble with the government. On May 23, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Colorado Attorney General filed a complaint against Dalbey and his company in federal court, alleging that his infomercials fraudulently misrepresented how much money people made with his system.

The “Winning in the Cash Flow Business” infomercial has been airing for years with Ron Howard-lookalike Russ Dalbey and serial drunk driver Gary Collins telling people how they can earn money by buying and selling cash flow notes.

No word on whether Kevin Trudeau has sent Dalbey a copy of Your Wish Is Your Command along with a note of encouragement calling him a ninja warlock from Mars with tiger blood.

And speaking of the Charlie Sheen of television infomercials*, Kevin Trudeau has been saying on his radio program that he would consider running for Congress if enough people would “support” him by visiting his website and attending an upcoming fundraiser for his legal defense fund. I think Trudeau is running for Congress in exactly the same way that Donald Trump “ran” for President.

Check out Trudeau’s supposed plans to run for office on the video below. If you manage to get through it you will never see a more perfect combination of arrogance, self-serving, self-pitying and paranoia:

*Think about it: both Sheen and Trudeau have been guests on Alex Jones’s conspiracy radio show, both men surround themselves with sexy goddesses (although Sheen looks like he has a lot more fun with his), both like to run off their mouths, and both make lots of money in spite of being completely bonkers!

A Capitol dome-sized thanks to the honorable gentleman Kyle Varnell for letting us know about Trudeau’s plans to run for office.


  • 6 Responses to “Infomercial News: Russ Dalbey Gets Sued and Kevin Trudeau Ponders Run for Congress”

  • *also both men are excellent actors, when it comes to comedy (intentional or otherwise).

    P.S. On an unrelated incident, in a remote part of India, my father was approached by a guy (who was kind of the village idiot in my small hometown), to go meet the President of India and request that that person should be nominated as a member of the upper house of the Indian parliament.

    My father replied: “You may be crazy, and I may look like one, but I am not. But believe me, if I go with you to the President, they will catch me and put me in a mental hospital.”

    Same fate may await the Trudeau supporters.

    Comment by znkp on July 16, 2011 at 1:01 pm

  • I wonder if there exists any photo of Fidel sans his beard! If so, a comparison is called for.

    Comment by znkp on July 16, 2011 at 2:58 pm

  • I saw a guy on a Chilli’s commercial that looks like Russ Dalby.

    Comment by Kittyluver12 on July 25, 2011 at 3:44 pm

  • Thank you as always for keeping us informed of the latest KT and KT-related scams. I’ve linked to your blog numerous times when writing about True-dough. BTW, there’s also a KT for President Facebook page.

    Comment by Cosmic Connie on August 31, 2011 at 12:57 pm

  • You’re the best (asshole).

    Comment by me on November 3, 2011 at 11:10 pm

  • I like Kevin’s bimbos better than Charlie Sheen’s. Their boobs are much bigger and they show more cleavage. Keep it up Kevin!!

    Comment by Mehta on February 12, 2012 at 12:24 pm