Yonanas Lets You Blow $50 on a Frozen Banana Dessert Machine
Ever spent money on a kitchen gadget that you used one time, put away in a drawer, and then never thought about again until you donated it to Goodwill five years later?
Here is your opportunity to have that experience once again with the Yonanas frozen banana dessert machine:
Yonanas promotes itself as a healthier and less expensive alternative to ice cream. The Yonana dessert is especially cheap if you shoplift the bananaswhich is why at 0:07 they show this woman at the grocery store smuggling bunches of bananas underneath her pants and shirt:
I doubt that ice cream manufacturers will be staying up late worrying about the imminent threat Yonanas poses to their industry.
“Who doesn’t love bananas?” asks the Yonanas website. Well…lots of people, actually.
The host starts off the infomercial by asking, “Do you love ice cream? I love it so much I could probably eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.” Ice cream comes in many different flavors. The idea of eating some kind of banana dessert every day (or multiple times a day) may be less than appetizing even to people who like bananas. So to overcome that objection, the infomercial goes on to explain that you can combine the bananas with other fruits… “or even chocolate.” Yes, chocolate as a healthy alternative to ice cream!
Instead of spending time trying to convince people that Yonanas is a healthy, tasty, and affordable snack, they should have simply hired Chris Elliot as a celebrity spokesman to perform this song and dance (with the change of one letter, of course):
Whatever the usefulness of the machine, at least the name “Yonanas” is a worthy competitor to Motato and Awethumb for stupidest product name ever.
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55 Responses to “Yonanas Lets You Blow $50 on a Frozen Banana Dessert Machine”
Comment by euGene on November 17, 2010 at 9:40 am
NO! Yo Nana!
Comment by Al Frank on November 17, 2010 at 3:25 pm
Cant I just put frozen bananas in my Magic Bullet?
Comment by Fräulein on January 17, 2011 at 2:52 pm
Great, more landfill. Please people stop buying krap! This is just landfill…..
Comment by HI knee on May 4, 2011 at 4:36 pm
The 80’s called and want their infomercial back.
Comment by HI knee on May 9, 2011 at 5:07 pm
Buyers beware!!!! I purchased this machine and had problems getting the soft serve effect, also the company doesn’t offer a refund just exchange! Not very happy with my purchase!
Comment by Cher on May 18, 2011 at 4:05 pm
I was wondering if it really did work this good. Thanks for the one review regarding the return policy…I really cant find any other reviews on this product.
Comment by Heather on May 20, 2011 at 11:03 am
Shipping is like $30 or something outrageous. And their website is horribly annoying. I was gonna purchase, left their website open to remind me when I have money, but everytime I reboot it starts playing their stupid ad automatically. No way to stop it but manually. ANNOYING and FRUSTRATING. Looks like a potentially good product though, for my daughter that has a lot of food allergies like dairy, gluten, etc…
Comment by John on May 24, 2011 at 8:14 am
I’d like to feed her my cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner! 😉
Comment by Jack on May 24, 2011 at 8:16 am
“Yonanas” This company is ripping people off. You can’t return this product once the box is opened. I never in my life heard of such a load of crap. How do you know how the machine works unless you take it out of the box. I will give the machine credit, the bananas come out great but fruit like berries comes out in pieces not smooth! It does not meet up to it’s claims so buyer beware.
It your fruit raw.Comment by ron on May 24, 2011 at 8:06 pm
What a farce- their web site says “ice cream can cost you over $5 a “pint” – in the real world bananas are around .79 cents a pound and a half gallon of ice cream is no more than $3, wonder where they get their figures- weight and volume wise the bananas cost more- and if you but fresh fruit (included in many ice creams for “free’ the $$$ just go up- and hey you can eat ice cream right out of the container, no need to freeze bananas, process them and best of all you only need to clean a spoon with ice cream not some who blender thing
Comment by Bill on May 26, 2011 at 2:29 am
“whole” blender
Comment by Bill on May 26, 2011 at 2:31 am
I’m guessing only fat people are making these comments on this product? This is a great product, I bought one and use it daily because it’s so healthy for you! I eat more than fruit most considering I’m a fruitarian! Bananas are my staple food. I eat 3000+ calories of them daily and have never felt better!
Comment by John on May 27, 2011 at 8:03 pm
Can U Believe They R Hawking This Thing On HSN 4 God Sake’s. At Least They Have a 30 day money Back Gaurantee. So If U Don’t Like It Hey Send It Right Back. I Saw The Demo And It Didn’t Look Good 2 Me. I Can’t Call It U Have 2 C 4 Ur Self.
Comment by Jamillah on May 31, 2011 at 10:25 pm
Yonanas is a “RIP OFF”, don’t waste your money. They charge 19.95 S&H and they won’t accept a return when I told them how unhappy I was with their product.
Comment by Leslie on June 1, 2011 at 1:33 pm
DON’T BUY THIS THING!!! Wish I had done a search on reviews before I bought it myself. I bought the YONANAS machine after seeing it on the Hungry Girl website. It is a huge disappointment; the resulting banana concoction is runny and terrible, no matter how I alter the frozen fruits. Their site had no return info so I called the company, “Healthy Foods”. The operator simply took messages; that’s the extent of reaching the company. I was informed that there IS no return policy, which is why none is stated on their site. (I should’ve realized then that the company was questionable.) After pressing the issue, the operator then said that I could exchange it for another one. With the postage costing $29 each way for the original one, I told her I was not going to pursue it. HUGE disappointment. Can’t believe I was that stupid…
Comment by Shannon Gackstetter on June 3, 2011 at 3:18 pm
I agree with comment number 3 just put it in either your bullet or the ninja you get the same results if mot better. Really this is crap.
Comment by Amy on June 26, 2011 at 3:45 pm
thanx so much for all these reviews i had seen the infomercials and had thaught about looking into this product-when I couldnt find it on other sites i thaught something was a bit off so i went to thier site and after seeing the huge price on the SHP i was very sceptical and i desided to peek around and find firsthand words about it-so now I know I agree Ill just use my ninja with frozen fruit THANX MUCH!
Comment by Bex on June 28, 2011 at 10:18 pm
I bought the NINJA which is great. I freeze bananas and run them through the Ninja with a little fat free half and half and artificial sweetener. It is EXACTLY like soft serve ice cream. I also do it with frozen strawberries and frozen peaches. I get the EXACT effect that this product hawks AND I used to NINJA for a TON of other things. It is terrific!
Comment by Dennis on July 2, 2011 at 3:20 pm
My sister just gave me one for my birthday. The box was unmarked and I thought it was a bong when I unwrapped it. I have to say it is one of the best gifts I have ever received. I have used it almost every day. It’s easy to clean and a no guilt desert machine. Still hard to believe it is not vanilla ice cream it taste that good.
Comment by Pep on July 5, 2011 at 9:16 pm
I put frozen bananas in my Ninja!! Add a little low-cal milk and presto–banana ice cream. Told weight watchers about it and they loved the idea!!I add any other fruit that I have on hand for a change of flaver. I can also use the Ninja for other kitchen tasks,not just ice cream.
Comment by shaDY on July 15, 2011 at 10:35 am
Wonderful product! I love, love, love it. I put frozen papaya into the machine and everyone could’nt get over how delicious. I’ve used frozen pineapple and frozen mangoes..excellent result.
Comment by doris hillman on July 15, 2011 at 11:24 am
Really, people? I think you just all are saying junk about this product because you don’t want to give up your ice cream. And the girl in the infomercial was clearly NOT stealing bananas! What a ridiculas thought! No, she just needed to lose a few extra pounds. And the good thing about this product that you CAN’T do with your “magical” ninja is have a banana dessert without ANY THING ELSE,like milk and cream.
Comment by Summer on July 19, 2011 at 6:36 am
I absolutely love yonana…It is the best thing in the world.
Comment by Lois on July 19, 2011 at 6:44 pm
LOVE my Yonana. It does not have the same consistency of a food processor, blender or any other appliance. I don’t particularly like bananas, but love fruit. My husband and kids all LOVE the resulting “ice cream”. I paid under $50 (with shipping). If you do not freeze the bananas and barley thaw them before use, they will not be the right consistency. It uses ripe bananas which are much cheaper (and sweeter) than green or almost ripe bananas. Use it daily.
Great purchase for my family. Have had two other family members ask where they could get it after they had dessert at my house.
Comment by Melinda on August 10, 2011 at 9:06 pm
The yonanas machine is great. Works just like they say it does if you use it right. My wife bought us one, now everyone who has some wants one of those things.
Comment by Mark on August 19, 2011 at 2:24 pm
I got mine at Bed, Bath & Beyond with one of their coupons so it was only $40 and no shipping. I really like mine! Just let the fruit sit out for a few minutes (or microwave it for 15 seconds) before yonana-izing it.
Comment by Ello on September 2, 2011 at 9:43 am
I have been trying to get a soft-serve ice cream effect from fruit for years. It will not work in a blender, it works kind of with the bullet. But the Yonana produces the best creamy ice-cream effect I have seen. I bought it at BB&B, so no shipping charges, plus with a 20% coupon it cost me $40. I LOVE this machine, my husband loves it. We are pushing 60, so eating healthy it a priority for us. I vote thumbs up on this machine.
Comment by Mary O on September 4, 2011 at 6:37 am
To everyone who said this machine is junk or a piece of cr*p…you obviously cannot read or follow directions. I can honestly say I use this machine at least 2-3 times a week and it’s the best thing my mom has bought from HSN EVER! I made fun of her at first after she bought it, now I’m the one that uses it. Although it will never replace chocolate chip ice cream, it does make a very good creamy fruit soft serve dessert and is way cheaper and healthier than buying ice cream or frozen yogurt.
Comment by Monica H on September 16, 2011 at 1:21 am
I took #28’s comments, used the BB&B coupon, no shipping and best price. I used bananas and pineapple the first time — wonderful and refreshing with no added sugar or milk products. You would get a soggy gloop with any other machine. If you can read, you follow instructions which are SO easy. Use very ripe fruit, freeze as directed, microwave 20 seconds before processing. Can’t wait to try all the other frozen fruits.
BB&B told me if I didn’t like it after trying it, just bring it back. What could be more fair than that?Comment by CeeGee on September 26, 2011 at 11:42 am
wow. whoever made the bullet, is really trying to cut down this product. Its pretty clear ONE person has made most the negatives about this. Who can really tell what is what when someone does this. will have to look into it elseware to find the truth. Does make me wonder why someone would go out of way so much, exspecially trying to get you to get another product over and over in post. LOL like we can not see through this.
Comment by chris on October 18, 2011 at 4:24 pm
Screw you guys…i love mine, I love the taste, and the idiot who wrote this blof, you do not need to use banannas in it.. So I love…
Comment by John on October 20, 2011 at 2:08 am
I LOVE my Yonanna machine. couldnt get any easier to use, clean or store. I can describe it in one word “YUMMY”.
Comment by sheila on October 20, 2011 at 7:15 pm
Dessert anytime? that’s just Bananas!
Comment by Bobby Woofs on November 22, 2011 at 2:24 pm
I love my Yonanna machine as well! The great thing about it is that you can be creative and make your recipes! And…..if you are not a huge fan of bananas– you don’t have to use them! I’ve tried adding a bunch of frozen strawberries and pineapple without the banana and it was delicious!!
Comment by Linda M on November 22, 2011 at 11:02 pm
Just bought at BB&B, thank goodness they will take it back, the plastic cone that houses the blades is shredding into the softserve bananas. Too bad, great idea, terrible execution.
Comment by Judi on December 13, 2011 at 9:32 pm
The grinding blade disintegrates adding plastic shards into the finished product.Comment by Bob1313 on December 17, 2011 at 9:13 am
There are a remarkable number of people who “LOVE” their Yonanas in this comment section. I wonder what sort of compensation they’re receiving.
As for the informercial, I got a kick out of the face the little girl makes at 1:11 in the video. Not too tasty, it appears.
Comment by Jordan on January 9, 2012 at 5:27 pm
Okay for all your banana hate, you dont have to use bananas.. if you actually watch the infomercial it clearly states that. I bought one and works great!
Comment by alisha on January 28, 2012 at 6:45 pm
Just bought one this morning and it sure does not live up to the claims. Put two bananas and rockmelon in it and came out all lumpy. Landfill again or Lifeline shop.
Comment by Sandy on March 31, 2012 at 10:21 pm
i am so stupid to be owner of stupid fool product i have worth 50 with tax better to eat 50 worth fruit
Comment by amina on May 16, 2012 at 2:21 am
these reviews are so hilarious they should be published in a big coffee table book of funny product reviews.
i have no interest in mushed up frozen fruit or in an expensive kitchen dustgathering gadget but you all have made me laugh.
Comment by joy on May 16, 2012 at 9:26 pm
I have to say if I had listen to most of all your ugly comments I would have not gotten this awesome product! It works great and for the ones that say it waste your fruit well is that hard for you to figure out to open it up and spoon out around the mixer really is it that hard? as you have to pull it off to clean it anyway! @Joy maybe you are blessed with no food allergys and eat whatever! But many of us do and can not have Ice cream or wheat, sugar so this is a ideam that will not gather dust in our house it is used everyday, even my husband that dose not normaly like bananas loves it and that is really saying a lot! Why would you try to run down something that could be a help to so many!
Comment by Tanja D on June 6, 2012 at 3:36 pm
Paul, you (and some of you other posters) are very rude. Because of your attitude, I would never believe anything you reviewed.
Comment by Cndi on June 12, 2012 at 8:20 am
Works great, awesome when made with berries, mango, peaches, etc. The best part is that I got it for $8 at the thrift store.
Comment by Moe on June 18, 2012 at 10:40 pm
My chiropractor told me about the Yo Nana. He got his at Target and eats a big bowl of the stuff every night. He has to watch his fat intake due to heart issues. I’ll look at Target and at BB&B (have a coupon!) to get a return policy and a better deal. My middle will thank me if it works; I’ll let all of you know whether I like the product or not.
Comment by dorothy on July 6, 2012 at 12:02 pm
My Mom purchased this because my nephew is lactose intolerant as well as a host of other allergies (he’s 4). Works great. It tastes great. Does it get used every day? No, but it sure is nice to be able to offer the nephew an alternative that doesn’t leave him out on dessert and the rest of us like as well. Our local TV consumer reporter did an in-depth show on this product and the upshot was that this product does exactly what it says. The person who said “lots of people don’t like bananas” likely has never tried the product. Once mixed with various and sundry berries, it loses any semblance of banana taste and tastes like soft berry ice cream. In fact, most of what was in this article leads me to believe the author has never tried the product, but simply wanted to rant about something.
Comment by godiva de maus on July 11, 2012 at 9:20 pm
this does not taste like ice cream, frozen yogurt, or any of the like.
it tastes like BANANAS…
there is no miracle here. you put a frozen banana threw a machine, it turns into a creamier banana. You can blend a freakn banana and get the same results!!
this is ridiculous.
if you’re looking for a healthy snack, blend a banana. if you want a healthier version of ice cream or frozen yogurt, switch to gelato or sorbet!!!
im a very healthy eater but I cant justify paying $50 so that I can mash a banana!!!Comment by junk product on November 18, 2012 at 1:27 am
Having owned a Yonana for around 3-4 months, I can say I enjoy it and use at least a couple times a month (easy to clean). The consistency is much like gelato or sorbet, but with the benefits of no added ingredients- just the fruit.
To get optimum consistency, you need to let the fruit thaw to a soft freeze before processing (5-10 seconds in microwave does the trick). For less sweet or less ripe fruit we sprinkle a little stevia before running through the machine.
It is a great way to salvage fruits that are a little too ripe and on the brink of spoiling- just chop and freeze and wait til you have a little sweet tooth that needs satisfying.
Just finished pineapple/mango yonana, experimented by adding a little fresh basil and a squeeze of Meyer lemon- it was fabulous!!!
I found mine on sale for $30 at Sears and have seen Target put it on sale too- the BB&B coupon is great idea for savings too.Comment by Mick on December 11, 2012 at 1:24 pm
My son bought me the yonana for christmas not only does it not work but when you can get some almost like soft serve out of the stupid thing guess what it taste just like frozen mashed bananas! Save yourself the money and buy ben and jerrys lol
Comment by YoNotSatisfied on December 27, 2012 at 9:49 pm
I first was putting frozen bananas in my Magic Bullet, adding some ice and milk. Love it! Then saw this and thought maybe it would work even easier. Spend the $50 on the Magic Bullet. There’s NO comparison. The Magic Bullet makes it better AND you can do a zillion other things with the MB. Half the bananas stay inside the machine…so you have to take it apart to get the rest out…and then the bananas have melted enough to be slime. Ick. Just use the MB and add some ice and skim milk. The texture is GREAT!
Comment by Jennifer on January 19, 2013 at 11:01 am
I accidently ate some of the plastic ring when I made my Yonanas this morning. Obviously the silicon ring breaks down which is a worry as you end up ingesting plastic shavings. Hardly healthy for you.
Comment by denise on April 9, 2013 at 12:02 am
There are ads now for the Swirlio and Dessert Bullet, which are just Yonanas rip offs.
Comment by bookendz on February 11, 2014 at 9:54 am
I got this thing for Christmas. I used it once, it did what it said- Mooshed up a bunch of bananas into frozen banana sludge, which tasted exactly how you’d think. Not exactly blown away by the “healthier than ice cream” result and not content to waste the cabinet space required to store the Yonanas machine, I took it apart and used its electric motor and some plywood and paint to make a rotating base for my store’s window display. Now it turns a nitro powered remote controlled monster truck, making it the first Yonanas machine to make kids drool, albeit indirectly.
Comment by Luke on May 28, 2014 at 11:07 am
I love mine. I use 1/4 banana with combination of other fruits (peaches, pineapple, blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries) for a double serving which gives the correct texture. Easy to use and easy to clean !
Comment by Christine on June 30, 2016 at 11:43 am
@ 0:38 I thought, “This sh*t is Yonanas! Y-O-N-A-N-A-S”