Magic Thimble: Crazy Infomercial Gives Us a Lollipop Robot, a Vibrator, and a Rubber Finger Tip
The Magic Thimble is a pretty dull product, a rubber finger tip that helps you turn pages more easily. Yet this unremarkable product ended up with one of the craziest infomercials ever:
Oh where to start…
The pitchman here is a gentleman who goes by the handle “EL” and he is accompanied by his sidekick “i-Lolly-P”who just happens to be a robot with lollipops stuck inside its head. The robot i-Lolly-P never says nor does anything during the commercial other than stand next to EL. If you can figure out what a lollipop-filled robot has to do with a rubber finger tip, then you are a wiser person than I.
“The Magic Thimble is great for children with special needs. Any supermom can use them,” Susan from Alamo, Texas assures us. It is not clear, however, why mentally handicapped people would have any more trouble turning pages than anyone else. It is also not clear why the mentally handicapped child in the commercial needs to have his face blurredunless it is to hide the fact that the actor is neither retarded nor a child. [Note: Since this blog post was written, an updated version of the Magic Thimble commercial left out the scene with the “special needs” child.]
Do kids have such trouble turning pages that an entire class needs to be outfitted with Magic Thimbles? Or is that just a special class that practices synchronized page turning?
If you are reading your books on top of the kitchen sink, then turning pages is the least of your problems.
Yes, they actually advocate using the Magic Thimble to “just pour a thimble-ful of spirits”a pressing need long in search of solution.
The free bonus item offered (which is a “Sellers loss, Buyers GAIN™”) is a finger massager…also known as a vibrator…usually used as a sex aid. This bonus doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the main product other than both items are placed on the tip of the finger. Or maybe because Magic Thimble looks like a French tickler they thought they might as well offer a real sex aid as the bonus. Or maybe the vibrator is i-Lolly-P’s cousin.
Just in case you are wondering if this entire video isn’t just some attempt at absurdist humor, you can actually purchase the Magic Thimble at
EL concludes the Magic Thimble infomercial by busting a rhyme: “Whether you’re a geek, read freak, or spill juice when you eat, you need this in your life.” Although I know I won’t get my wish, I sincerely hope that EL and i-Lolly-P become the next Billy Mays.
6 Responses to “Magic Thimble: Crazy Infomercial Gives Us a Lollipop Robot, a Vibrator, and a Rubber Finger Tip”
Comment by Julie on September 2, 2011 at 11:15 am
You forgot to mention the religious aspect to this oddball commercial. The pitchman talks somewhat like a preacher (at least like the black preachers on tv at least), and the book he uses the magic thimble on looks like a bible to me.
And Susan “the Super Mom” sure is having herself a spastic little fit during her appearance.
Comment by mxrka on September 3, 2011 at 9:55 pm
I think the guy is pretty cool actually he’s like a modern day pitch guy he brings something different I don’t know about the product but i like the pitch.
Comment by Jake on September 5, 2011 at 3:06 pm
Not to nitpick- cause I love this site! But the pitchman clearly identifies himself as “EL,” not “EJ.”
Comment by David on October 11, 2011 at 1:02 pm
Good catch, David. I’ll fix it.
Comment by Paul Lucas on October 11, 2011 at 2:18 pm
…with today’s kids and teens they can market it as a Rinse and Re-use condom.
[ducking the brickbats coming my way]
Comment by Homer J. Fong on July 23, 2015 at 5:16 pm
I suspect the Magic Thimble is a gimmick to sell “finger massagers” to people who would be too timid to order one otherwise.
If Magic Thimble is a success, perhaps they’ll start selling a Magic Pickle too.