Kassie DePaiva Discusses Her Hairy Face and Legs on the No No Hair Removal Infomercial
Before seeing the infomercial for the No! No! Hair removal system, I had never heard of Kassie DePaiva. Apparently, she is famous for her career as a country singer and an actress on One Life to Live, but for those people who don’t follow country music or daytime soap operas Mrs. DePaiva is unknown.
Kassie DePaiva’s hosting stint on the NoNo hair removal infomercial, however, will likely extend her celebrity to a whole new audience. On the No No infomercial, she speaks at length about her personal struggles with body and facial hair.
A “milk mustache” sticking to a woman’s hairy lip? Legs with five o’clock shadow? Not since the infamous appearance of “bearded lady” Mary Ann Roth on the old Nad’s infomercial have we had such frank talk about the gross topic of female body hair before.
Fortunately for Kassie DePaiva, the No! No! product came along just in time so that her career in the entertainment industry would not be limited to the role of carnival sideshow attraction.
Unfortunately for me, I will never look at those “Got Milk?” ads with a stable stomach again.
5 Responses to “Kassie DePaiva Discusses Her Hairy Face and Legs on the No No Hair Removal Infomercial”
Comment by euGene on May 20, 2010 at 8:58 am
Well, he might a good spokesman for it now, seeing that he probably has lost all of his hair by now.
Comment by NosferatusCoffin on May 20, 2010 at 2:28 pm
I just can’t believe how stupid that milk mustache story was.
Comment by Canaduck on June 16, 2010 at 11:15 pm
I’m sorry but it seriously sounds like shes talking about a lighted vibrator or something for the snatch.
Comment by Kaitlyn Fultz on August 18, 2010 at 5:52 pm
uh billy mays died years ago of a heart attack :(( no need to go there
body hair is pretty natural unlike this product
Comment by lis on July 13, 2012 at 3:45 am
The NoNo hair remover is one product that Billy Mays would definitely have not been a good spokesman for!