Does Anybody Remember the Any Body Can Draw Infomercial?
I recently received this email from a reader named Marissa asking about an infomercial for “Anybody Can Draw”
Subject: Anybody Can Draw
Message: I’ve looked everywhere for the anybody can draw infomercial. The host was Tracey Gold and the product was made by TJ Johnson. HELP!!!
Unfortunately, I had never seen (or even heard of) the Anybody Can Draw infomercial.
I assumed the Tracey Gold mentioned is the actress who played Carol Seaver in the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains.
A web search for more info found only this Amazon page selling the “Nature Scenes” video from the Any Body Can Draw series by T. J. Johnson. But no picture or other info is available there.
Then I noticed that the title of the product is really “Any Body Can Draw” with “Any Body” spelled with two words, not one. That led me to this page, that contains a 10 minute clip of the infomercial:
If anyone can provide memories or info about the Any Body Can Draw infomercial, please leave a comment below.
5 Responses to “Does Anybody Remember the Any Body Can Draw Infomercial?”
Comment by jes on February 5, 2010 at 9:10 pm
- this is the website for this program.You can buy it from there.
Comment by melani on October 17, 2010 at 11:45 am
I have an art teacher who took a test very similar to this. She told me that she was curious, and when she drew an identical drawing to the reference they gave her, they told her she traced the drawing and she had no talent. XDDDD
These things are ripoffs. XD
Comment by Lee-Lee o3o on January 6, 2011 at 12:20 pm
I remember and was searching for information about how to make contact.
Comment by Deanna marcus on May 10, 2016 at 11:54 am
I have 6 volumes/discs. I bought them back when the infomercial was on the air.
Comment by Kelley on August 25, 2019 at 8:11 am
i think i remember this and i think they showed the pamphlet, or “art test”, you received and it had a teddy bear head that you drew.