Video of a Drunken P. Diddy Talking Trash About Proactiv Solution Celebrities
Not only is P. Diddy not suing Proactiv Solution, but a drunken Diddy was caught on video trash-talking his Proactiv Solution infomercial co-stars Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson, taunting them for not using the acne product earlier.
Here’s the transcript (or at least as best as I could decipher Puffy’s slurred mumblings):
You all know damn well, you all know damn well that Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson was not using no Proactiv…Diddy wore Proactiv. Now you’re all into skin care products. Now, you see, now y’all think it’s official. Well, Ha, I got a secret. I was off on Proactiv for seven years. That’s why I got silky smooth cocoa-butter skin. So Lindsay, Jessica, you’re late. You should have followed my pretty ass from the beginning. Now you’re late [expletive deleted].
(By the way if you want to follow Diddy’s pretty ass for yourself, you can get go here and get a free Proactiv Solution kit just for taking a survey.)
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