
Infomercial as Fake Reality Show: Dwan Bent-Twyford

I’ve seen infomercials that tried to fool people into thinking they were talk shows, news shows, travel shows, and home shopping channels. I even recall an infomercial that tried to a pass itself off as a sitcom. But the infomercial for the Dwan Bent-Twyford Millionaire Mindest Collection may be the first infomercial that tried to pass itself off as a reality show.

Part of this infomercial claims to follow a group of business students as they attempt to make money using the Dwan Bent-Twyford Millionaire Mindest Collection to invest in real estate. This is much like Donald Trump’s The Apprentice in which teams are forced to turn a profit using a series of lame-ass business ideas.


  • 12 Responses to “Infomercial as Fake Reality Show: Dwan Bent-Twyford”

  • DWAN BENT TWYFORDS PROGRAM WORKS ALL DAY LONG!!If you think Dwans programs don’t work then that means you dont work, you are a non motivated person..and to make success happen it will not fall on your lap.. you make it happen or sit there and like a slouch.. I have been doing her program for 4.5 years and have closed over 30 deals this year… and 20 deals last year. so maybe you are the problem.. you are either motivated or not!!!!!!!!!!!! i think you need to put this on your site, which i am sure it won’t happen.
    Lynn Batagower

    Comment by lynn batagower on July 23, 2007 at 8:31 am

  • DWAN BENT TWYFORDS PROGRAM WORKS ALL DAY LONG!!If you think Dwans programs don’t work then that means you dont work, you are a non motivated person..and to make success happen it will not fall on your lap.. you make it happen or sit there and like a slouch.. I have been doing her program for 4.5 years and have closed over 30 deals this year… and 20 deals last year. so maybe you are the problem.. you are either motivated or not!!!!!!!!!!!! i think you need to put this on your site, which i am sure it won’t happen.
    Veronica Lacker

    Comment by veronica lacker on July 23, 2007 at 8:35 am

  • What an amazing coincidence that Lynn and Veronica think so much alike!!

    Actually the first comment had a spam URL included with it, which I removed.

    I never said anywhere in my post that the Dwan Bent-Twyford program doesn’t work. But I will say that whatever person posted the twin Lynn/Veronica comments is a spamming piece of scum.

    Comment by Paul Lucas on July 23, 2007 at 10:52 am

  • Dwan’s programs are awesome and work 100% She is a down to earth person who truly wants to help homeowners and investors. She really offers support to her customers, You actually can talk to her and ask her questions directly. What other guru offers that? NONE! Her methods are DIFFERENT than those other real estate programs. I recommend her products and stand behind them 100% as I have tried all of them. This is the first real program thats easy to understand and follow. Really.

    Comment by Alisa on September 23, 2007 at 10:15 am

  • It looks like Dwan has followers who are paid to surf the net to post GOOD THINGS about her shit so people wont see throught it.. damn.. i wish I had had a bunch of gullible bitches to write good shit about me!!!!!!

    Comment by Mark on July 22, 2008 at 9:29 pm

  • Dwan’s program really does work. I purchased her wholesale training and then the Short Sale package. I was laid off from a position in a local church. I have always been leary of infomercials but she seemed like the real deal and I needed another way to make money so I gave it a shot. I learned to negotiate with lenders, buy houses from people facing foreclosure, help people avoid bad credit from having their houses foreclosed, and have walked away from closing with checks as large as $12K without any prior real estate experience. GREAT SYSTEM!

    Comment by Ray on September 8, 2008 at 10:18 pm

  • The above posts by someone posing as Lynn and Veronica demonstrates demonstrates the fact that there are scammers everywhere. They may have even been posted by Millionaire Mindset themselves (Dwan Bent-Twyford’s company). If you want to find out more from students who have done the class with first hand experience and evidence to back it up, go to:
    You’ll find that this company is a scam. Do your research carefully and consider going to a non-profit real estate investment association instead!

    Comment by A disappointed student on September 11, 2008 at 6:41 am

  • I don’t know about the foreclosures, but I’d like to pull the panties off of Dwan Bent- Tyford

    Comment by Jeff Fitzhugh on November 16, 2008 at 2:30 am

  • January 11, 2009
    The problem is – that her infomercial gives the wrong impression entirely! It sounded like a business for arranging deals between other parties – Not at all about what it really is-you actually doing the buying or investing, etc. The Infomercial and the reality of what she is selling is a Total Misrepresentation of Fact. I was supposed to be able to review the info sent to me for 30 days, I found out that her outfit withdrew $33.33 from my acct at least 13 days earlier from when delivery date should have started the 30 day count.I have advised my bank not to pay the other two $33.33 payments, but, in the meanwhile, what is the best way to advise them that I am returning their material and want my $33.33 returned? I can not afford to throw money away like that! Appreciate any and all help with this – Trisha-Baltimore

    Comment by P. Smith on January 11, 2009 at 10:47 am

  • Response # 1 (Lynn Batagower) is Bill Twyford sister!!!!

    Comment by John Smith on October 2, 2009 at 4:04 am

  • Haha, nice catch, #10!

    Comment by Canaduck on November 8, 2009 at 11:13 pm

  • @Mark: Same here; maybe I should start making friends with women who collect Precious Moments figurines. They strike me as the type to believe everything.

    Comment by BOTR on January 15, 2012 at 10:25 am