Infomercial Hell – Same Site, New Look
After 14 years online, this website has a brand new design and the name has officially been changed from the “Ridiculous Infomercial Review” to Infomercial Hell.
All the old infomercial reviews and blog posts are still here and we will continue to skewer ridiculous infomercials and the absurd “As Seen On TV” products they sell. But the new design, in addition to being more attractive, will make it easier to find pages using the search boxes located at the upper right of the page and in the left column. You can still browse through all the blog posts on the Browse By Date and Browse By Category pages but now there are two new pages: Fan Favorites, which are those posts and reviews readers have enjoyed the most, and Paul’s Picks, which are the ones I have liked the most.
A New Design, Because Everyone Hated My Old One
When I started this website in 1999, its design was above average when compared to the jumble of animated gifs and funny noises that made up the bulk of Web pages back then. But time (and people) have not been kind to it since. More than one person used the words “eyes bleed” when describing the design’s effect on them. once linked to this site but felt compelled to warn its readers that it “looks like the business side of a butt cheek.” For posterity’s sake I include screenshots of two of the old pages (click each for enlargement):
Those of you who complained about the old design please send me your name and address so I can mail a bill for your portion of what it cost me to pay for a graphic designer, Web designer, and Web developer.
And if anyone doesn’t like the new design, just wait 14 years and I might consider changing it.
New Ways to Follow Us
If you want to keep up with all the latest posts on Infomercial Hell, the best option is still to subscribe to our RSS Feed in your RSS reader. With the site update, the URL of the feed was changed to Most RSS readers will automatically update it; otherwise update it yourself with the new URL.
We also now have pages on several social media outlets for those who prefer to follow us that way:
If you would ratther get an email announcement every time we publish a new blog post, you can subscribe to our email list. The list is nothing fancy; you simply receive a link whenever the latest blog post is up.
I hope these changes will make it slightly less embarrassing to tell your friends about Infomercial Hell!
6 Responses to “Infomercial Hell – Same Site, New Look”
Comment by Tyler on April 23, 2013 at 8:40 am
Good luck
Crack, by the way, has balls to say that about your web site considering how over the top it is with gee-whiz crap of click here, click there…I enjoy its content but hate its deliveryHonestly, to save yourself money, K.I.S.S. always works, well, at least for me
I personally want content, which is simply delivered, e.g., Google Search
Comment by zyzzyva57 on April 25, 2013 at 1:48 am
Lookin’ very snazzy!
Comment by Canaduck on April 30, 2013 at 8:37 pm
Looks great. Keep up with the good work so we can have a good laugh.
Comment by Ellen on May 3, 2013 at 9:52 am
Like the new look. Easier to navigate.
Comment by Frau on June 19, 2013 at 7:54 pm
Love the new layout. Now I’m gonna drink my Mickerini cocktail with a side of Hazeltini!
Comment by Magic Bullet groupie on September 6, 2013 at 6:01 pm
The redesign looks awesome!