Welcome to the Ridiculous Infomercial Review Blog!
Today I launch the blog for the Ridiculous infomercial Review website. This blog will provide observations about hilariously awful infomercials on a more frequent basis than the full reviews found on the main website. Often I will see an infomercial that isn’t worthy of a full review but that does have something funny or bizarre about it. Now I will write about it on this blog.
This blog will also let you know about updates to the website and let you know about any upcoming reviews. For example, I am currently working on a full review of the Dual Action Cleanse infomercial with Klee Irwin. This infomercial is still being aired so you might want to try to catch it. Basically this thing is a half hour of people discussing bowel movements.
I have been a connoisseur of bad infomercials since the late 1980s. Over the years I have seen many jaw-droppingly bad infomercials. But unfortunately I did not have the foresight or luck to record many of these gems. I will use this blog to share my memories of some of these long forgotten “classics.”
I will do my best to update this blog at least twice a week.
2 Responses to “Welcome to the Ridiculous Infomercial Review Blog!”
Comment by Jon on June 12, 2006 at 11:49 pm
Response to comment #1. My role model is Al Bundy; I want his cutout.
Comment by Znkp on December 27, 2008 at 10:39 pm
This is without a doubt the greatest website ever created.
Santo Gold is my new rolemodel. I’ll not stop until I find a lifesize cardboard cutout of Santo Gold.